Early Covenant/Spec Statistics

Yeah it would , 2 copper says Op didn’t do this . Just copy pasted the stats on wowiki and assumed all choices are based on ability :rofl:


There was a poll done sometime in beta with an option for each cov and then an option for just based on power. Power ended up being like 2/3rd of all votes

To be fair, I don’t imagine that a lot of people who choose to play Balance Druid, you know the people who like stuff like magic forests and nature, would prefer Necrolords to the Night Fae. The only spec I can think of where Necrolord is going to be very popular is the Unholy DKs to be honest.

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I would be too. I know before looking anything up, I wanted to be venthyr for my demon hunter (because it’s Castlevania! DUH! :slight_smile: ) and night fae for my hunter (which is a night elf and I’m very attached to Ysera). I did look them up, but the only thing which would have prevented me from taking those would have been if they were beyond horrible for my class/spec. Turns out they weren’t. Win-win.

It’s worth mentioning I didn’t do much testing of the abilities. Half the time I forget I have them. :woman_shrugging: It will take a bit to remember they’re there and longer than that for tanks to not immediately move mobs out of the night fae ground effect anyhow.

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I ran over 100 dungeons in beta with all 4 of the Shaman covenants and currently have two geared Restoration Shamans ready for raiding this week.

What exactly were you trying to accomplish with this post?

There will be an easy way to confirm this, after some big nerf/buff to covenants we see a major switch to the new bis covenant or not.

BeT tHe Op DiDn’T Do ThIs

There is nothing for me to prove its already given .

There is no way you interviewed over 300k+ players on the sheet you have given above on why they selected their covenant and just made it to feed your spam topic pulltheripcord :rofl:

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So what you’re saying is you have no other data providing a different perspective?

You can sniff covenants extremely easily as long as you’re aware, they’re even listed on Raider. io.

At no point did i mention it’s my website or my statistics.

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So you think the power of the Covenant choice had nothing to do with why so many picked the more powerful option for their class/spec?


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I can use the same data and say 44,000 Venthyr Fury Warriors picked for aesthetics and for ability just like you . :rofl:

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Are you alright? Should you be browsing the forums?


A stronger power is only going to help so much unless you make it absolutely broken.

People would probably not pick Necrolord because it has the hardest aesthetic to match. I mean unless you are a forsaken or wish you were a forsaken, it’s still extremely ugly. I mean, maybe you want to run around looking like a Garbage Pail kid, and more power to you, but not my taste. It’s my least favorite for that reason, even though the storyline redeemed it to a point. There’s a lot I don’t like about all of the covenants… I mean aesthetically I love Kyrian, but I hate their culture. I like the Purgatory aspect of Revendreth, but it’s too bad we have to fill it with vampires because demons are space alien invaders in WoW mythos. Demons are better than vampires.

Nightfae is probably the objectively best afterlife of the ones we have seen. Like, it seems comfortable enough. You are just you in your fursona hanging out with your friends in the faerie forest. Just stay on the road.


Given evidence then I will believe you . :+1:t2:

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declined from 2/3rds of groups because I chose Venthyr

Some people are in some pretty serious denial huh? The information must be wrong, that’s why they listed it on Wowhead after i posted this.

Man, what’s WoWhead doing posting misinformation. It’s all wrong!


It’s allllll wrrronnggggggggggggggggggggggggg


Night Fae is BiS for Warlocks too🤦🏽‍♂️

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Some of them are, and that’s also completely irrelevant. Death Knights have a single button press that provides passive damage, and it makes Necrolords the best because the other options just don’t give much that are comparable.

I picked purely based off aesthetics and the story I liked the most - but it’s also probably the worst for my class.

So these players just happened to prefer aesthetically the Covenant that is mathematically the best? You think this is a good excuse for dismissing these issues?

Did you think all those Horde PvP’ers swapped to Alliance for aesthetics when EMfH was broken?


Its listed on raider . io because its shows in your armory profile . Raider .io creators did nothing different to get the info .