Early Covenant/Spec Statistics

Regardless of people’s opinions proof is there, let’s hope Blizzard nerfs and buffs covenants, or… as they said… pull the rip chord.


Well if you have a one dimensional approach like op has ability ,ability , ability nothing else matters. You both would share the same problem and won’t understand why Blizzard is not listening to you guys which is the case right now.

Here is what OP did . They found some statistics on wow wiki. It appears to be supporting their point of view. They copy pasted it on the forums to support their agenda. They never actually challenged the information , they just assumed it as such and moved ahead

Anyone with an objective point of view is gonna ask simple question . how do you know that is the reason ? did you actually interview them .If you are gonna say its obvious , coincidence which is clear sign you didn’t do your background check and you are a sheep. Then its will be proceeded with /ignore.

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Likewise I can say

“89% Of Holy Paladins went Kyrian.
Damn they love Kyrian abilities bro.”

If what is stated above makes you go “Obviously”, what makes you think I won’t say the same “Obviously”.

You do not understand yourself very well do you ? No wonder Blizzard can play with you so easily .

You could also look at that data as Necrolord just being a terrible and ugly aesthetic compared to the other three and nobody wants to play it at all aside from a very small minority of players.
“Me orc me kill me fight for whole life” gets really boring fast. And that zone is just hideous and barren through and through. Imo atleast.

But yeah most players just pick the most OP covenant for them and some covenants are just so far ahead of the other three it’s like Blizzard didn’t want to bother getting a 4 way balance for all the classes and decided, “Screw it, all Demon Hunters are going to be either Night Fae or Kyrian.” for example.

Literally provided the link to WoWhead, a widely known, reliable and trusted source of stats for the WoW community for years.

Why a third party site? Cause Blizzard doesn’t provide those things themselves, sure they maybe a tad off, always will be coming from a indirect source.

Connect the dots.

Look at what’s doing the best for Spec X, look how many Classes with said Spec went Covenant B. Give or take a few hundred / a thousand. Pretty easy to be honest. :neutral_face:

Blindly defending blizzard, is no less sheep than trusting statistics from a trusted site.

Similar things have happened in the past two expansions, which all three times Alpha / Beta testers have protested against and yet they still make it to live, only to be fixed in a patch.

Yep, seems like a good use of resources by Blizzard. (sarcasm)


I was, you are free to check the data yourself, but like I said almost all of them are the top picks recommended on class discords and guides for their specs. Is hard to believe all of that is just coincidence.


Where is the poll on why they selected it. ?? Not there!

In other words you don’t know either.

Where is the Information? you blindly believed these stats support your point of view

Blizzard is not agreeing with you guys , and your counter argument is connect the dots ?? Really , really , really ?? :rofl: :rofl:

necrolord is by far the worst cov, you cant mount, you dont get night fae ghostwolf to run around in, the nearest flight path is on the other side of the map, then you have kyrian, everything close, can mount, actually has a flight path

what were they thinking with necrolords home

(i dont have a venthyr, so no idea what theirs is like)

So your trolling.

Sad face, thought I’d get an actual answer. :frowning:

All well, have a good day / night. :grin: :wave:

I offer myself as champion to see if raiderIO ruins my group chances by picking the wrong covenant

IT’s better for Raid than M+ but you can manage the AoE to ensure you dont pick up extra adds. Like all abilities, you need to use em strategically.
HOnestly, I wish the size was same or slightly larger than concencrate, and CD and duration were cut in half.

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Oh classic GD . I have nothing to defend my point so I will call you a troll and say Good night :rofl:

Show me where is a poll in this so called trustworthy site that stats and is written all these 300k + players made their choice based on ability and nothing else. Then I will never argue against your pulltheripcord spam topics.

So your asking for something highly improbable for any player to have, so you don’t have to accept or rebuke anything else. Besides play ring around the rosie.

Typical for players who are defending this system, like I said was hopeful I’d get an actual answer. :slightly_frowning_face: Unfortunate.

I mean, I am a Troll. A troll hunter :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(Okay, I’m sorry for that. It was too easy. :rofl: )

If you do not have it do not claim it to be . Its information data mining done wrong period.

All you have to do is go look up what the best covenant is for each spec is. You then go and check to see if the most popular covenant is the most powerful for those specs (it is, for every single spec in game). That’s an awful lot of coincidence

Nobody is claiming that thought, what the data shows is that there is a clear preference for the best performing covenants, some going above 60-70% representation, while other go lower than 10%.

For the third time, go trough the data and you will see that the vast majority of the top pick are what the community recommends as their best. Of course some people are going to pick based on preference, nobody is arguing that is not possible.


I mean… that seems like you are agreeing with what I said, but misread my post. I said aesthetics are important, so you would have to make the Necrolord ability super-broken for everyone to overcome the hurdle of it being a harder aesthetic sell. Even then, at that point tons of people tempted by power would be Necrolords, so it wouldn’t be balanced.

Removing abilities completely, the people picking Necrolord because it is their best (and there are definitely specs that it’s the best for… and DKs, unsurprisingly, are probably drawn to the aesthetic) might switch to the other more broadly appealing Covenants.

I really don’t think Covenant powers are going to go away. Even when they made Azerite Armor less obnoxious, they didn’t remove it and go back to set bonuses.

I hashed out which Covenants my characters will be going with based on a mix of their personality/flavor/rp and that the choice wasn’t listed as utter garbage.

Pointing out that there is a massive preference for the better Covenant that matches the theorycrafted and tested power levels doesn’t mean we’re saying that is the sole reason so many players picked that way, we’re saying that there’s simply no way it wasn’t one of the biggest contributing factors.

Especially if you look at player preference based on race. Night elves aren’t as popular as, say, humans and blood elves.

I probably did misread it, then. The suggestion is to remove player power from the table when it comes to Covenants, and have players purely pick based on preference. I guarantee you’d see a much more even spread per class/spec, and that would be the far better way to design player specific content.

The covenant abilities don’t have to go away, you could add another talent row. Or have something completely unrelated that lets you assign them.

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I don’t mind if it that happens or doesn’t happen. It won’t really change any of the choices I am going to make. I thought the point might have been that this thread was about wanting more Necrolord representation, and that goal is going to be much harder to reach. Although maybe it’s just my strong aversion to their aesthetic. I know it appeals to some people!

I definitely feel some of the Covenants were designed to lure in the type casted classes… like Paladins to Kyrian and Druids/Hunters to Night Fae. Although I know a Druid who went Kyrian just to buck the trend.