Early Access, Was it worth it?

Well Seeing as I cant post and tell you what I all think about you, I am done with this thread. You can go on and on about it how you won and blah blah. So I hope you have a good day, Hope you have a great week and rest of the year. You all have bright futures ahead of you with your thinking ability!

Like my wife telling me i have won an argument . I haven’t won anything . Not even a cookie for my argument. Yes i like to win , but that doesn’t mean i have won anything .

Could you imagine winning a bunch of Trophies , but now they become paper weight . Meaningless . My winnings would absolutely becomes nothing .

Great time to get your alts up and professions up!

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Sucked in lol.

Launch night has always been a struggle on high pop servers, but after the first few hours it’s OK. And it should be less of a struggle now with fewer people in the new zones.

You really think that most of the people that normally play on launch day won’t pay the extra $25 for the epic edition?

I’m guessing early access on full servers will be just as busy as Dragonflight’s launch day. And the forums will be flooded with rage when they can’t login or get disconnected. :smiley:

I’m sure some people will skip the epic edition on principle or if they won’t have much time to play until the weekend anyways, but I doubt it will be a large percentage of the player base.

edit: changed launch day to early access

No. Because that’d be unfair

I think it largely depends on what you want out of it.

Me for example. It allows me to do stuff the previous weekend when I will be busy in launch day for work,etc.

There will be a smaller launch rush over all.

I see this arguement come up, but never really expanded on.

If the arguement is that carries exist therefore pay 2 win, does the inverse also become true? If carries don’t exist, does the game become not pay 2 win?

At the start of raid release, carries dont exist.
During holiday’s carries dont exist.
What aboit solo players that refuse to group up? If they refuse to group up, does the game still become pay 2 win for them if they can pay and not win?
What about gamer dad with 3 wives, 4 jobs, 8 kids, who can only play 2hrs a week? They could buy 100 tokens, but never get further with them since they cant be on for the carry.

If a raid drops, no one has beat it yet. I could have 100 tokens, but since carries dont exist for that raid, the pay 2 win arguement doesnt stand up. Does the game become non-pay 2 win then?

If the entire arguement that the game is pay 2 win relies on the actions of players who won without paying and not on the merits of the game itself, than I find the arguement that its pay 2 win kinda weak.

I got a foreboding sense of doom for my main class by playing the beta. That’s about it. It’s so over, I should just join mage gang and be good literally every patch.

I paid for early access so I could access the beta to determine which class I want to play for TWW. Chances are Ill be using the extra few early days to level one toon, then when live hits Ill level my main when my partner gets TWW. Id say it was/will be worth it for me.

The three early days don’t matter the further you get from the xpac launch. Good on those who got it but reality is it won’t give you a super leg up outside of a little bit of leveling.

You paid $90 to spend less than a day leveling your chars to 80 and your professions, because, guess what, endgame content will only be available on launch day

But hey, the other 3 days you can spend playing other games

:person_facepalming: :joy: :joy:

Holy god the troll has crawled out from underneath its bridge and is now spewing poisonous ideas.

  1. It’s still early access because shocker I know you might wanna take a seat for this one You get to play… EARLY… which is the whole point of buying early access. They never once said it included endgame stuff as then it would force people to spend money they shouldn’t normally have to in order to compete with other guilds. HoF itself would just become a “drop 100 buckeroos and degen farm asap” simulator.

  2. WoW isn’t p2w since you’re given the option to buy wow tokens to then use on buying boosts. Nowhere is it forced nor necessary to buy carries. Now if you had used the tier 3 fiasco with naxx returning or the new 3.1m goldsink that’s terrible I’d let you slide, but sadly you threw out the worst statement ever.

Finally to wrap it up instead of crying like you’ve been wronged learn to read the text under it. They detail everything you get with buying said edition. In essence, git gud.

How do we know whether it was worth it cause it aint even here. I’ll say it wasnt worth it if tons of bugs happen and all that good stuff.

you can refund it…

The fact that you spent $40 more for the early access and not for the other stuff seems really weird to me. Did you want them to become so pay to win that they were going to open up mythic + if you payed more?

I guess it is kind of nice if you wanna level or level a second character before things open.

Overall im expecting the first night to be plagued by server issues. I just have so much gold I spurge on the fancy edition myself.

If ya think it’s a bad value, request a refund… I’d, for one, sure be glad to have one less mouth breather to compete with in the starting zone.

Hard to really deem if it was worth it if the product still isn’t released yet.

Having a few days extra doesn’t sound too bad in theory. There should be less people for the early access launch, but that is going to beba wait and see. You have to wonder how well the servers are going to act, if there is going to be a bugged quest line, or something else gets broken near the start and it make everything a wash.

Personally it doesn’t matter to me. I got the epic version for everything besides early access and beta. Those were just perks to me and I’m more than comfortable with what I got.