Earfhrury is becoming Imbalanced with Alliance. Please stop with free transfers!

Oh I’ve seen the hordes verson of “honorable pvp.” Let’s just say I’m not holding out hope.

Also no amount of passive aggressive pleasantries is going to change the fact you are a resource to be farmed. If anyone sees a 51 lock, its like find a black lotus. Highly profitable, not alot of time to gather. Sorry my friend, try not to take it personal.

This was happening before honor (a resource) was in place. Wish you the best of fun in your style of playing WoW with your actual friends. If you have any. As a casual player with a 1 year old at home(51 being my max level toon) I don’t have the hobby/gaming hours in my day to spend half my played time in ghost form. Unfortunately from your responses over and over again… this has been a two way street with both factions. This leveling experience has been different than the one I remember pre BC. I’ll chalk it up to being lucky on my server back then to have avoiding being “farmed as a resource”. Thanks for your valuable insight and time posting, I learned a lot.

Wow, check out the sas on this guy. Trying to throw barbs with this limp little wrists of yours.

Seriously though, gratz on having a life, baby, etc. Sounds like you got alot going on.

This is not meant as a knock but perhaps you should try a pve server?

Yep. Appreciate the insight on your perspective (and what’s been done to Alliance) with how world PVP is. Just an environment for farming. Regardless of the experience of the person on the other end. I’m sure going as an adult and hitting home runs of T ballers has a similar feeling. Just a resource to pad your home run and RBI stats.

No knock taken. I see how that would be a logical connection with comments I’ve said. It boils down to what you and I define as honorable PVP and how that’s different than ganking. We will probably never see eye to eye on it.

I’ll be making the personal decision not to take a “well it was done to me…” stance when it comes to ganking. Time to take my limp wrists elsewhere now though…

I’ll say this much some Horde cry whenever they’re outnumbered (not speaking on you). Confront them and “oh you’re trolling! block him!”. Sadly, you have some great people on your faction, but you also have some garbage.

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Farming lowbies for Honor won’t get the balanced server some claim to want. Either side. You want a balanced server? Give people the ability to level productively.

Keep up the current insanity, and you’ll find yourself with no one left to fight outside of BGs and no one to blame but yourselves. PvP servers in vanilla weren’t like Earthfury is today. Not even close. I guess with servers 10 times larger, you get 10 times more jackholes too.

You know how many lowbies I killed this weekend out of the dozens I could have? Zero. Despite being chased down relentlessly by sad groups of 60 allys everywhere I went on my 52 H.Priest. Two wrongs won’t make it right.

Props to the level 50 ally rogue who tried the good fight. The ONLY ally in the past two weeks who didn’t wait for an overwhelming advantage to engage.

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That’s rare with rogues. Almost every Horde rogue I’ve faced either attacked when I had multiple mobs or when they had a party. People are willing to do more when they have help. Alone many just run along.

I played in Vanilla and I did the same stuff in regards to world PVP. The ONLY difference on Earthfury was a large number of PVP groups in the world (vs 2 or 3 on each side in Vanilla at a time spread out).

This will all change starting today as most of the people who like PVP have said flat out they prefer battlegrounds so the world PVP will drop significantly, plus everyone is just trying to get honor the most efficient way possible. Everyone should be able to level again and hopefully, the raid loggers start coming back to actually play again.