Earfhrury is becoming Imbalanced with Alliance. Please stop with free transfers!

It was a good run. I hope you dont transfer off but it wouldn’t surprise me if horde leave in droves once paid transfers happen.

The statistics over the past 2 weeks are actually indicating that Horde is transferring over as well, probably because they prefer a more balanced server even if this one is currently Alliance dominated (but not by much).

According to ironforge.pro, in the past 2 weeks the split is 52.6 to 47.4 favoring Alliance. Alliance was up to 56% at one point but now it is back down to 52% and trending in the Horde favored direction.

Use this as well, wowclassicpopulation . com

Check 30 days, last 14 days, and last 7 days also change the level range to level 60.

The transfers ended yesterday so this is how it will be for the rest of whenever the next transfers happen. Unfortunately while the numbers aren’t too bad ( If you count 60/40 not being awful) take in account the fact that most horde that transferred here are very casual players. Many can only play a few hours at max and transferred to skip queues. Many alliance transferred because their old homes we’re horde dominated. With the free transfers the old realms are now even more horde dominated and all the free transfer realms have become alliance dominated.

I can’t help but think this was just a ploy for paid transfers. Blizzard knew that those would solve all the imbalance issues while also making them bank. It’s a sad state of affairs with Activision/Blizzard.

Also another useful metric is world boss count, I think Horde got the very first one and alliance has gotten the last 8 or so.

Also are the world boss kills due to population or just due to choice of the main raiding guilds not doing it? I’m surprised Horde doesn’t have multiple with one almost right by Org in Azshara.

Good luck! There’s no promise of paid transfers. Also I don’t give so much credit to the census sites. I’ve seen a multi-boxer, people with alts on the opposite factions, multiple dual boxers, etc. I dual box for various reasons. And I see enough Horde that the ratio seems off.

Horde can’t even fend off the Asylum guild that’s outside Orgrimmar every single night of the week. You think we can kill a world boss?


Horde actually do have a group of guilds working together to try to kill the world bosses, namely Azuregos because the distance of Kazzak makes it hard. There are alliance guilds who have members who will log on at any point to their level 20 warlock in Azshara to summon. It’s the weird times that dragon keeps spawning or the population balance but we are trying. I think 60 A/40 H is accurate at this point.

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You clearly haven’t been to the mountain

Hey Moo2, It is lopsided for sure… Just getting into BR took over a hour to reach the Dungeons. Even for us Stealthies it’s a challenge and becomes more and more frustrated spending so much time running back to our corpses. From what i see above, Most Alliance guilds came from servers were the numbers were reversed. It’s something I always observed about Blizzard… They Ultimately Fail at Simple Math.

Deunan is Moomaroo’s alliance alt on a PVE Server, which has sat Idle for nearly 6 months.

Hey Noren, Moomaroo here… Blizz doesn’t care much about the Balance… Only the Bottom line… in other words THE MONEY.

Horde got an Azuregos kill today I heard! Congrats to that group. One day I’ll get out there for a kill maybe.

The game has become almost unplayable now at this point with the alliance ganking while leveling. I don’t mind pvp, but this 3 v 1 or being ganked while my health is low. Often by way higher level players is annoying. It’s to the point where it’s not just kill and they move on. They literally camp my body for minutes on end waiting for me to rez. Tanaris and Searging Gorge are toxic zones with the “pvp” going on. I actually hope Horde isn’t doing this to alliance, because this is such a miserable way to try and play the game Id hate to see our side contribute to this mess.

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Yeah this happened to me today as well. Here i am on my lowly level 32 hunter in desolace and stv when a group of horde decided to have some fun then sat on my body after trying to rez multiple times. They were all mounted and were skulls to me. So i couldn’t tell you what their real level is but i agree leveling on a pvp server is unplayable.

Oh wait… this just in.

It happens to everyone. I leveled my first 60 here on Earthfury and there was no shortage of 60’s horde side screwing with me then and now. This is far from unplayable, stop with the drama queen act.

Definitely Horde doing this too. Had a warlock in guild around your level in Burning Steppes kill a warrior similar level to him. Three Horde came and camped him for a while. Sadly camping knows no bias.

That said I normally ride past most lower levels. Did watch a guild warlock stop and kill a 50 something for a shard on the way to a dungeon. He did apologize, but was sort of funny

Well thanks for taking time to respond with a response like that, never understood why the internet has people like you. Sorry you had a similar experience though.

That’s too bad the horde is doing it too. I’m all for pvp, don’t get me wrong. But the ganking with uneven numbers and low health isnt honorable in my mind. I didn’t have this experience years ago, guess I was lucky that the pvp sever I was on had more /waves than ganks. Thanks for the response. cheers.

I am a biproduct of hours upon hours spent battling multiple level 60s while leveling. Getting corpse camped, griefed, and screwed with the entire way when the horde had superior numbers.

You know how many posts i made about it? 0

You don’t like my attitude? Do this next time your in Org.

/2 Hey guys thanks alot for the hot mess pvp is now on EF.

Because there are plenty of people like me who are all to happy to pay everyone back for all the “fun” we had leveling here. your fates were sealed the moment you hit accept on the character creation screen.

No offense I would of loved to have been able to create random dance parties with a bunch of tauren out in STV but sh!t rolls downhill and fast.

If you like to PvP as horde, then this server is a gold mine

Thanks for the post. Hope you feel better about it. You’re clearly trying to prove a point that I’m over reacting to the OP with sharing my leveling experience. I’ve noted your stance and thank you for your time. Thanks for the recommendation on the Org chat, although sarcastic maybe as a whole the server can encourage more honorable pvp. Hope to see you on the field.