Dynamic respawns

I’ve heard that dynamic respawns were in 2004 vanilla for the Launch period. Can we have that back please, BLIZZ?

I’m seeing twitch videos of how layering is still doing the same crap as sharding. People all on the same layer group up, and the entire group gets pushed to a different layer.

PLZ dynamic respawns with a higher server cap for P1

Not in the way you’re thinking.

Mark Kern mentioned they had over-spawn protection which (as far as I can determine from other bits and pieces) is where mobs will respawn faster if all the mobs of a certain type in the area are dead. If you kill all the Grell in Shadowglen, then the timers will speed up to repopulate.

It was never based off the population in the zone like Dynamic Respawn is. The only time they used Dynamic Respawn was TBC on the first day or so, and it was a hellscape for more than just location.

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That sounds great. Would love to have that. Compared to layering/sharding, its a godsend

Show me where they haven’t said they’ll do that. It was in Vanilla.

there’s a couple things you need to understand.

  1. there was code for dynamic respawns but it wasn’t implemented properly and didn’t actually work

  2. layering =/= phasing, and it will only last a few weeks at most anyway

  3. at launch of WoW they only sold 200k copies, that was the max amount of people playing. currently, millions of people play WoW and most of them are going to want to try out classic. if you played vanilla wow and thought you had a bad time, imagine what it would be like 20, 30, 40x the population. layering is an unfortunately reality in order for people to get in the game and not be stuck in queues.

again, layering isn’t phasing. if you choose a server, let’s call it Ragnaros, you’re always going to be on that server. there are different layers of Ragnaros, but eventually those layers, like photoshop layers, will be merged into a single layer, and you’ll never see anyone phase in our out ever again.

spending literally hours fighting hundreds of people trying to farm mobs in a starting zone won’t be enjoyable for anyone

There was code in there but they didn’t turn it on.

The pserver crowd does turn it on.

I don’t understand the hate for it though. I liked it.
If I’m the only one in the zone…normal spawns.
Put 100 people and the spawn timer is reduced based on the population size.

You’re the first to mention phasing here. I’m aware of phasing from WotLK quest chains. Not the same thing of course :slight_smile:

Check out the Twitch Clip there. Hope blizz either fixes that crap, or scraps it and goes dynamic respawn

Layering is supposed to handle the issue of dynamic respawns IMO and I don’t think we know of how well perfected it is.

It seems to me that layering should be consistent though. Log on and get put in a layer and never leave it until you log off except when you transfer zones or partying up with people on a different layer. The layers should be set up to handle the expected player load we saw in classic.

Hopefully that’s how it will work on live.