Dynamic Flight?

Does this new flight style allow old flight mechanics for those that prefer / need that rather than dragonriding?

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like what the speed increase? or stuff that is with dragon riding
if so then no

its the way we fly in the old zones

It’s just a change in name.

Dynamic Flight is dragonriding.
Static Flight is regular slow flight.


and dynamic flight is going to open up to other mounts
like invincible


As long as I can still use static flight, and get access to it at the same time that others get access to dynamic flight, I’m good.

I prefer slow to having anything to do with anything that is based on dragon riding.


No I mean am I going to be able to fly slowly and do things like hover as I have been able to do since flight was introduced in Burning Crusade or is the only alternate going to be dragronriding?

Are they going to take all of my flying mounts away from me and make them dragonriding based everywhere?


no they are going to be both ways down the line

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I doubt that this will be the way of it. Blizzard will probably lock static flight behind some Pathfinder nonsense after allowing dynamic flight immediately on release, just like they did for DF.

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If that is the case, I will not be buying the expansion.


Going to be hard to know whether it is or it isn’t for a long time, I’d imagine. Think about how traditional flight wasn’t discussed much during the development of DF, other than to say, “Yeah, it will be unlocked later” and wasn’t on any of their “roadmaps” about the patches.

And I will not be spending another dime with Blizzard until I am satisfied with the situation. If they want to pretend to support those who can’t or won’t use dynamic flight, then I will pretend to buy their software.


I don’t blame you one bit. I’m not thrilled with the situation either. :frowning:


IIRC there is a claim that the dev’s were working on a way to make mounts switch between the two modes… the new dynamic or old static.

That said… we still got a pathfinder in Dragon Flight… and until I’m shown otherwise, I won’t believe that static flight is in the expansion at start.

DR flying is the deal breaker for me.

I want to keep old flying.

DR is for the dragon and drake mounts. I wouldn’t care if my TLPD was changed over(or any of my old proto and other drakes), but I don’t want my priest saber flopping about like a DR mount.


IF this is the case I would entertain the idea of buying the new expansion.


invincible is shown to have dragon riding

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…and that can be turned off so it uses old flying instead in all zones?

That’s what I’m looking for.
The ability to turn it off so I can use old flying.

I looked for, but couldn’t find anything specific enough to answer the question.

Can DR flying be turned off and old flying used instead in the next expansion?

Thank you for you help, I do appreciate it.
I’ve been busy today, and this weekend doesn’t look like I’ll have much time for video games either.


As long as it is limited to mounts with the wing flapping mechanic. Mimiron’s Head in Dynamic Flight would be pretty cringe IMO

I absolutely love DRing, but Ion and crew need to stop playing the juvenile games with old flight.
make the content for flight again…both flights have advantages and disadvantages…its ok for them to coexist from day one.


This is what I found on mmo-champion about dynamic flying. It’s from the deep dive panel. " * Dynamic Flight

  • Not every mount will support dynamic flight, but as many as possible.
  • Everywhere you can fly today you will be able to use Dynamic flying.
  • Dynamic Flying is unlocked and usable everywhere in Patch 10.2.5.
  • You can toggle between normal and dynamic flying at will.
  • Dynamic Flying available from the start in Khaz Algar.
  • Normal flying unlocked shortly after with no Pathfinder.
  • Dragonriding glyphs shifted to evergreen system."