Dynamic Flight details out

Dragonriding is here to stay and will also be available for many flying mounts in all flyable areas even prior to the launch of The War Within
this is what i am waiting for so by time the expansion hits dragon flight in old zones

If you cant drive a Ferrari, you can’t drive.

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Won’t be waiting long, 10.2.5 will probably be out before the years end

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Nah. 10.2.3 probably in late january. Then .5 in march to April

Post that video of you doing all content required to unlock flying without any Dragonriding, or it’s Baby Shark for you!


Dracthyr yes.

That was answered in a tweet.

Druid remains to be seen.

Problem is, some quests, treasures… may be locked behind flying.

Yes, I could mount in DF but my horse could not climb the mountains, neither could my ram. If they make dragon riding a day 1 feature, then I am pretty sure that it will be mandatory to be able to do the quests.


Did not take long for the troll to come in and start spamming to everyone. This isnt even a complaint thread and you are saying people are complaining. I bet its ION!


Well, a flight thread didn’t take long. This should be good


10.2.5 is next, there is no 10.2.3

Really where?

I work in customer service. Baby shark would be a blessing over some of the things I have to listen to on a daily basis for 40 hours a week

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Where did they say Dracthyr? Far as I know we are still stuck with Soar, which can’t even dynamic fly. If they switched it to a toggle what would it be for a static fly? 20 seconds of flight time before it forces you to the ground in a parachute? :stuck_out_tongue:

So its a player skill issue? Gotcha.

The Ion hate is so strange.

Just watched it, thought Ion did a great job. Experience showed, he was definitely more at ease on stage than anyone other than Metzen.


Oh ok. I missed the beginning of today’s broadcast. And only caught the ending of Warbands.

Though you are right that it could be jan

Oh, well, we can certainly adjust to your own needs. I’m sure you know what my point was, but it’s better for you to pretend to be obtuse. Have your favorite hits from customer complaints looping on those speakers.

My bigger point is that if you want to claim something isn’t a big deal or is accessible, you need to prove it. Otherwise, don’t talk over people asking for accessibility accommodations.


as long as the glad mounts can fly im happy