Ion is on stage giving deeper details at Blizzcon right now.
Dynamic Flying is coming to 100% of the zones currently in game.
MOST mounts (did not say which ones wont) will be made Dynamic Flying capable.
Dynamic Flying is going to be in all coming zones after next expansion.
Old School flying is…NOT going away.
There will be a toggle to switch between Old and New flying.
The expansion will have Dynamic Flying day one.
Old School flying is still going to be turned off and unlocked at max level.
Ion was clearly uncomfortable on stage having to say Old school is not going away and that many did not like the new flying which made me laugh as he was clearly forced to keep old school. I am very happy that there is a group of people making the game actually understanding they cannot afford to keep losing players and cannot keep ignoring the entire population for what only they want.
So there you go folks, an update on that part of what is coming.
That’s not true. Work through the storylines, explore the zones, and traditional flight can be unlocked on day 1. Dragonriding while leveling, regular flight shortly after (again, on day 1 of the xpac), probably at max lvl since we have to do all the storylines. No additional grinds required. This was explained in the WoW deep dive that just ended.
I really like that they are keeping dragonriding for those that love it, but allowing at max level a toggle for TBC flying for those that prefer it or have accessibility issues. Everybody wins. Thanks Blizz!
Should be interesting to see in the end which mounts can toggle to dynamic and which ones only work in regular. I really want my lightforged warframe to be able to dynamically fly so hopefully that will be a thing!
Ion was oh so very hurt talking about old school and having to put in a toggle.
I love seeing a devs ego take a hit when they are as stuck up as he is and they can no longer just ignore players now that the game isnt making hand over fist and now they need to try to actually keep the players they have left. Damn shame he will never understand how he was a prime mover behind so many leaving with his bad design choices.
Hey, now! Everyone knows the solution to helping someone who is blind deal with visual captchas is to make them correctly solve a whole bunch of visual captachas to access an audio one. That’s how accessibility works, right? Lock accessibility features behind something inaccessible?
Locking traditional flying behind pathfinder is not accessible.