You’re making a completely different argument now. Your previous objection was that you can’t simply play alliance if you want to be a paladin because the faction might be locked due to balance. For anyone who’s only being stopped by that one barrier, then they should choose a different server.
If something in real life is going to cause you to be late to the party, that’s no excuse to get locked out of the faction that your friends are playing on. Find out what faction/server your friends are settling on and make a character on that server day one. Then when you are finally able to play down the road you’ll have a spot saved.
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My argument is at least if I’m going to play on the opposite faction, I can play the gameplay I enjoy, the class I prefer as a bare minimum.
Then rather something I have no interest in. Allowing Shamans and Paladins on either side at least does this.
The game play loop is what people enjoy , how the class plays.
I just wanted to further bring up issues that the faction lock out also brings, seriously surprised no one has thought of this.
But staying on topic, Shaman and Paladin players are gonna be effected if they have no alternative solution on either faction.
To each their own I guess. I prefer the game when it was designed around the factions feeling unique. They’re already homogenizing the factions with pally/shaman buffs being distributed to other classes, which I think is a mistake. It would just be a bigger mistake if they take the next step in that direction.
you forgot gnome. they are the uber race and should be cross faction and can be any class
I understand, this issue might not even effect you at all, I play Priest, I’ll have a home on either faction, Im fine regardless. I’m just saying for those players who do prefer Paladin or Shaman.
And I thought the same as you, faction identity is important but so is gameplay, people prefer a class and gameplay it brings, it’s just going to suck for them.
I’d rather have pallies with Divine Storm and the Venthry aoe with Necrolord hammer in SoD.
That will not happen, but it is still something that I want a lot.
everyone should fear the bubblegum haired menace
Troll paladin makes more sense than Cows (lore)
And I’d still rather see deaders get the class first for Horde.
I do love me some voodoo though.
Now you’re talkin. Undead Paladins, keep going with it until we’re in Anaheim tipping the statue over.
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“i need more rage! i need … more … raaaage”
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I wish they did the Cata combos here.
Human and Undead Hunters, Dwarf Shaman at least.
At the same time, something new like Undead Paladins would be equally appreciated.
It’s Season of Discovery, let us be different, mix it up.
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I made a post the other day on retail and got tore torn to shreds. Maybe this is more traditional look in the classic community but the retail players want anyone to be able to play any race/spec combo and alliance and horde to basically be combined and no longer matter or have a rivalry. I think the horde vs alliance thing is one of the main aspects that make the game unique these days compared to stuff like eso and other mmos.
However I do think it can be justified for alliance to have a shaman race and horde a paladin race.
I want gnome priests. I honestly would enjoy a modernizing of classic animations, to atleast look like MOP.
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Yeah, shaman is my favorite class but no one I play with irl goes horde. I wish they did as other than dwarfs and gnomes, I like everything about horde better.
And I agree with your points, if they do faction locking, and it keeps someone from doing what they want, it almost kills the purpose of even playing. “Oh I can’t play the race I want, or the class I want, and all my friends are this faction but I can’t join them”
lol they will be out of their minds if they do this.
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Tell me you haven’t played WC without telling me you haven’t played WC. Sunwalkers have been in the game for a VERY long time.
Cataclysm (which also brought troll druids yay).
Which is getting the Classic treatment soon.
I too prefer the idea of undead paladin.
Fite me.

Dwarf shamans and undead paladins be better
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