Dwarf Shaman/Tauren Paladins in SoD

Only if they look like the Broken and the starting zone is a small area closed off area in swamp of sorrows before they are discovered by the alliance and taken to stormwind.
Oh and make them angry at the orcs, like real angry.


I would rather have blood elves retconned into vanilla than suffer the absolute abomination of holy cows.


Keep the cathedrals the source of the Light, blood elves made the Light into the force and paladins into Jedi; thatā€™s why we ultimately got holy cows. Iā€™m first in line for undead paladins.

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Cathedral of Light gives paladins to the alliance, Scarlet Monastery Cathedral gives paladins to the crazed zealots, it would be badass to see a forsaken paladin quest at 60 to secure the Cathedral in Stratholme for the Undercity.

Undead Paladins have existed in the game since the OG vanilla launch, just not playable: https://i.imgur.com/blH8vGr.png several of these guys on an island off the coast of South Shore

There are also Dwarf Shamans in the Wildhammer clan.

Putting kings and windfury on other classes makes someone forced to take that rune. Give the full class.


I think the problem comes from vanilla shaman being much more primal than the cataclysm shaman that was given to dwarves. I really believe the only hangup blizzard has before pulling the trigger on this is making dwarven shaman as lore-viable as undead paladin.

Personally Iā€™d rather have gnome pallies.

All yā€™all Hordies can keep your shaman.

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We need gnome druids. They still dont even exist in retail

Gnome Shalmadins, swing 2h totems with 1 hand. Seal of the Frost Shock.

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I personally think it would be fine I wouldnā€™t have an issue with it But then again if they give Kingā€™s end solve to hoard on other classes?

Does it really matter ? I donā€™t know, Iā€™ve never been. A fan of the shamanā€™s are on horde and paladins are on a lionā€™s thing. Iā€™ve always kind of thought it was silly.

But thatā€™s my take.

Would be more interesting to add tbc races as hit matters more given how space goats mean alliance 2h uses and casters need 1 less hit or spellhit. Adding jc as well might be good as you might get something in jc which would be akin to the lionheart helm and titan legs.

I would abandon my Alliance bend to 100% rep a Tauren Paladin in a Classic environment. Sadly itā€™s all moo-t as Blizz said ā€œNopeā€.

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I wrote this in another post (itā€™s just a copy paste),

See a reasoning why I think Dwarf Shamans and Tauren Paladins may be a thing in SoD simply because now they may restrict faction creation if one side is heavily favoured.

You say, play Alliance if you wanna be a Paladin but what if Alliance is locked out?.

Let me explain, I wanna be a Paladin but due to the server being heavily Alliance Iā€™m restricted now to making Horde, Horde cannot be Paladins so essentially why play if you cannot pick the class you prefer. Vice versa with Shamans if Horde is locked.

Having Dwarf Shamans and Tauren Paladins(or whatever races blizzard decides on) literally let the player pick the class at least they prefer.

I guarantee you, players are going to riot if Alliance is locked out and having to choose horde and not being able to pick the class they want. Races are just aesthetic, a class is the gameplay and people live and die by having the gameplay style they like, I definitely wouldnā€™t play it if I love being a Paladin but canā€™t be one or a Shaman player but have to go Alliance.

Blizzard really have a lot to figure out by restricting faction creation cause the gameplay of the class is whatā€™s going to keep players invested, Iā€™m not gonna waste my time playing a class I do not like, nor should anyone.

Faction creation restrictions is great for server balance, but itā€™s definitely going to be a double edged blade for those who prefer to play Shaman or Paladins if left how it is. The only way around it is by allowing Shamans on Alliance and Paladins on Horde.

Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m all for Paladins and Shamans being faction exclusive, but now that they are restricting faction creation, Iā€™m not so sure. While Iā€™m lucky to enjoy Priest it doesnā€™t affect me (happy to go either faction), but I canā€™t wait to see the forums when a Paladin/Shaman player cannot create the class they love.

Edit: Honestly itā€™s really gonna suck for the Shaman/Paladin players and I really see a lot of problems moving forward for those players if they donā€™t have an option on either side.

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One of the issues is the client itself with the character creation screen. They have to rebuild it to add classes, at least Turtlewow did when they added undead hunter

I definitely agree itā€™s going to take effort for implementation of this, but if nothing is done and considering how popular Paladins and Shamans are, Iā€™d say more so Paladins, imagine not being able to pick the class you love to play.

I love undead paladin, tough for me I suppose, still waiting on 'em.


Regardless on which race can be it, they most definitely should have an option for that gameplay on either side if they are now restricting Faction Creation.

Be it through the addition of older races, Dwarf and Tauren, any Classic Race or new ones Draenei and Blood Elf, just I donā€™t think players are going to be to happy when this Faction Lockout effects them.

Itā€™s going to be interesting how Blizzard works around this issue. To be honest Iā€™m surprised no one has mentioned this concern. Itā€™s a great counter argument for having the classes on either side.

Imagine if they did this with classes, ā€œtoo many warriors created so they prevent you from making oneā€, sounds ridiculous doesnā€™t it? Especially for a MMO. Thatā€™s going to be how Paladin and Shaman players feel.

Then pick a server thatā€™s not locked.

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Say you come to play SoD late due to IRL, work, family, holiday whatever it may be, your friends, Guild already are on a server, so you are going to be the only one to play on another server?

Theyā€™ve announced a RP PVP server, everyone you know is on there so now you miss out due to restrictions?, doesnā€™t sound good. You may not even want to play Paladin or Shaman, just to be with your friends and community that are Alliance, but you are forced to be Horde.

Like Iā€™ve mentioned itā€™s great for faction balance, but a lot of people are going to be effected.

Paladins donā€™t have friends!