Dwarf Druids? (Wildhammer)

Since we’re clearly not getting real Wildhammer as they should be with proper racials and heritage and a mount and such, can we at least get a druid class for the dwarves?

It fits rather well with the Wildhammer clan and would also give the Alliance another druid race which I believe we’re one less than the Horde on right now.

Also someone has already made this for Blizzard to get ideas from.

I imagine their Moonkin form could be made to be more Gryphon like as well and their flight form could be either Gryphon like or an eagle similar to how the HMT one is. (Ram horns instead of Moose Antlers.) Meanwhile the land travel could easily be a ram.

Who else wants Dwarven Druids?


This thread is relevant to my interests…


Its a crying shame that the Alliance is down a druid race and that Dwarves don’t get the full representation we could have for our three clans.

grumbles about Wildhammer not being treated on the same level as the other two clans in any stretch of the imagination despite their great import to the Alliance as a whole much less the dwarven story.


I would LOVE dwarf druids.

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/hands a tankard of ale
I feel ya.

Seriously, I really would love to have dwarven druids. Wildhammer are a great fit and it would be nice of Blizz to put some real effort into them.


I think the only way we’ll get dwarf druids is if theres a beer form added to the game. So maybe hit up the stormstout brewery and see what they’ve been cooking up lately.

Generally when this subject comes up I like to remind people that the Wildhammer Druids were from a non-canon book and there has been zero indication in game or official media that they’ve ever canonically practiced druidism.

However that cat form with the stubby tail has swayed me and I am now in full support.



Balance out the sides a bit, let some of us Wildhammer fans have some fun and could very easily be made lore.

I don’t think anyone rejects that Wildhammer Druidism was from a non Canon thing but that doesn’t mean they’re not a perfect fit.

Between their interest in nature and general culture they’d really fit well.

Certainly compared to other dwarven clans.

Appreciate it!

And yeah that cat form is magnificent.


Need to give my support to anything Wildhammer!!, I’ve mentioned this years ago!, so yes, I approve this thread :+1:t4:


I’m trying to make sense of it but…ehh. Na, wildhammer gave blizzard a reason to make dwarves shamans in cataclysm. They get to be shamans now which is good enough. There’s more than enough druids on the alliance.

If they add it, cool, but it doesn’t make sense to me

We really need a subrace system. Wildhammer dwarves deserve their own race slot


Always good to see you friend!

Dwarf Druids for the win!

We’re one less than the Horde…

So… respectfully I disagree.

I cannot support this thought enough.


dwarf/blood elf druids


Blizzard has made things from the old RPG books canon again.

Jaina having brothers is an example of this. One of them even makes a joke about it.

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I dream this will come true one day, I dislike being a Bronzebeard in cosplay… :neutral_face:


. . . yes . . . THIS will work.

chugs tankard

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What is point of Kul Tiran racial swimspeed when you can just aquatic form? Or Worgen racial Running Wild when you have travel form? Or Worgen shapeshift when you already shapeshifted?

Sure, they can.

But we’ve had two zones now focused on Wildhammer and seen pretty much their entire civilization, and have seen no hints at any kind of druidism. Unless there’s just a bunch of Wildhammer druids hiding in the wild that are completely ignored by the rest of their people it kinda stretches the imagination for them to just turn up suddenly.

We did get an expansion about the afterlife that doesn’t reflect what we see on Azeroth. Heck, we didn’t even know it really existed despite numerous expansions where we dealt with the dead and their spirits. Blizz could pull em out of their back pocket. Kinda like they did with Shadowlands, but I feel that came from a dark gross place.:sweat_smile:

They could be taking a really long nap like Malfurion.:rofl:

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