Duskwood is horde owned

You hung out awhile in Duskwood tonight, boi.

Thanks for the free honor.

Also: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/lore/worlds-end-tavern
This forum might be better suited to your tastes, Ras.


Im still here:) u can only challenge me 7+ 1 so. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

U see the challenge. THIS SUNDAY the arenas of old

Can any Alliance in Turalyon invite me over there so I can wipe the floor with this retard undergeared trash of a druid? I will even reccord it.



This Sunday the arenas of old, STV and Feralas. 1 vs 1 tournament, may the best women/man win!

This is to be a friendly challenge, need an alliance or I will use my alt,
I wish to have a fun and friendly match and duels to the death. Discord or in game headsets may be needed to coordinate - should be easy to let each match know they are going. 1 vs 1 will be the style for duels/combats. With a possible final battle of Horde vs Alliance should the #s line up or be somewhat close.

May the Best Woman or Man, be left standing.

He was talking about himself then because I’ve never bragged about 4v1ing someone.

Hit 120!!!

You got it bossman. When I see him and his little buddy Alzzarn around, I’ll check to see if you’re online and you can come sit on him with us.

As for his little challenge, None of us are interested. If you want to 1v1 so bad, there are places for it. Duskwood is not that place. You might want to check out the gates of Stormwind/Orgrimmar if you want 1v1 combat. It amuses me that someone who wants to WPVP so bad is only concerned with duels.

I do hope you choose to go into Gurubashi Arena for your little event, Ras. Those guys down there would LOVE to 1v1 with an RPing trashcan like you. Hahaha!


At least you admit to talking to yourself with your own alts on a forum thread.

Do you realize every time you post something everyone gets reminded what the minimum requirements are to get into RG? Let alone the mentality of RG members?

Since MoP it hasn’t changed, now that’s dedication.

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Actually skill was the only thing implied. Since new toons; levels the playing field for you. I was trying to be nice and let you save a little face when I destroy you on any toon picked and geared as this community saw fit. Name the level, race and class. It won’t matter, you will die the same.

Trust me… U dont want me to get my main. rofl

Quit stroking your epeen and just pick a reroll… or is ur ilvl the only thing you know how to say. Did you buy it? YOU BOUGHT IT! Ilvls? don’t make me laugh, try and fight with a new toon, no buying your way to the top. FIght me on this forums terms: they pick the class. level and gear. choose where we fight. Or are you too afraid without your bought for real money gear?

Classic wow is going to chew you all up. Stay off the Pvp realms. Wm is for babies who want benefits and no sacrifice.

WPvP 4 Life!

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Agreed!!!:cowboy_hat_face: well that and a good 1v1

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Oh my god please do. I do hope it’s on a multi-glad Rank 1 account because you have nothing on this one like I said, make it a challenge, we can even play this toons with Heirlooms dude I have no problem and how are you exactly planning on gearing in Classic if you can’t even get past 420 in BFA… you are kind of depressing. You remind me of Rallies GM of IWC in Bleeding Hollow god I miss those days, I will gladly kick your asss for free anytime and anyday dude.


CAN we make a group to farm DUSKWOOD tonight, I might be ABLE to log on today yippeeeee.


How on earth would we communicate…I don’t speak goblin.


Speak the international language of gold!!! Bet any goblin will understand! :moneybag:hiya zapey.


I am convinced he/she is a real life goblin. I mean who else types like that…that’s exactly how a goblin would hit a keystroke.


Now now it’s zapey! He’s been gone too long from the forums. Glad he’s back.

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Ok ok, I think we can make this work zapey. I studied a little bit of goblin gibberish at Arcane U…

Tonight we leave a wake of destruction in duskwood!

Edit: That way we give mickas and his hero squad something to do. Although what would happen if the hero squad goes down? Who will then save the denizens of darkshire? Surely not Oscar the paladin?


I’ll be there in spirit only cheering the guys but real life keeps me busy. Gl guys.

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Like I said, if someone invite me I can make it more entertaining.

Ask in the dueling channel theres a few people on the right shard