My friend and I are both looking for a raiding guild to join on OCE. Old timer players been playing for years that came back for War Within. Decently geared around 615+ with 2k IO and completed most of heroic. Looking for good vibes, raiding times aren’t to much of a worry just want to find a cool fun guild thats keen to have us.
Hey mate!
You guys are welcome to join us in Valhalla! We are the largest PVE guild in OCE with 16 raid teams.
Everyone is super friendly and chilled out. Plenty of people to play with!
Send me a message on discord if you are keen to join! Varcoe_Valhalla
Hello! The Collective are an OCE guild with two raid teams 7/8H - both will dabble in mythic in the coming weeks. We are looking for healers and dps for T2 (Thurs/Sun)
Feel free to reach out to me ingame or on discord (zana.zana)
Our core team has played together since Cata was current, we all took a little hiatus due to kiddies & whatnots but like you guys have jumped back in for TWW, we currently run a 1 day raid schedule currently 5/8H (Mondays 7PM - 10PM Frostmourne ST) with sign up nights for M+, you are welcome to trial with the team for a couple of weeks and see how you feel after that,