All the people threatening to not do blitz if duo queue was removed are hilarious.
Empty threats.
All the people threatening to not do blitz if duo queue was removed are hilarious.
Empty threats.
Duo queueing should be removed from game modes intended for solo play for no reason other than that people defending duo’s can’t do it without attacking the person, getting stuck in the weeds about ‘opinions’ and ‘facts’ or anything other than admitting that a duo queue is absolutely an advantage.
Meaning that to play on a ‘fair’ playing field, everyone would be obligated to duo queue. In the game mode where the entire point is that you have to be good enough to play beyond the deficiencies of your team. Getting 25% of your team accounted for is a huge advantage relative to 12.5%.
That could be true and it’d still be an argument for removing duo queues. If you want to play with your friend, go play 2’s arena.
It is an advantage, and that’s OK.
An advantage every player has access to if they choose.
Healers deserve this perk.
It gives all of us more games.
How would I play battlegrounds if I play 2s arena? That argument doesn’t even make sense. Battlegrounds and arena are two different game modes.
Grouping belongs in MMOs, it’s the foundation of this game.
That’s not a good reason to completely change a game mode, that makes no sense lol. And the game mode isn’t designed specifically for solo players, it was designed for solo players and healers to bring a friend. It’s been like this from the very beginning, like has been mentioned in this thread
This is a gaming forum. That’s what this is here for. Discussing opinions, facts and many other things. What does that have to do with removing duo queue?
Why did you reply to me? You clearly didn’t read what I said because I specifically said it is an advantage. What it isn’t, though, is a game breaking, game mode ruining issue that should prevent anyone from playing it
But none of those reasons you gave are even remotely close to a decent reason on why the game mode should change. What they are, though, is an opinion and likely what you think are facts. How dare you get stuck in the weeds of “opinions” and “facts”, solo play should be completely removed from the game!
I only que’d 2 games with a friend on my pally but the quality/enjoyment of a game as a healer was a big difference. I’m sure it is a big advantage over the other team maybe not having 2 players communicating at all.
But in my solo que losses it seemed like when we started losing my team would check out and wait to go again. I’d like to at least have the chance to know that somebody is gonna try for objectives and to win even if it ended in a loss.
No they don’t.
It becomes a problem when you either do it or you don’t and eat a massive penalty. That’s willfully presenting an inferior experience for anyone who isn’t duo queuing just because.
You wouldn’t. You’d pick between playing with your friends or playing in the solo queue.
There’s no shortage of group PVP content.
We’ve already covered how it makes perfect sense to level the playing field. It’s a good reason to change the game mode, although I’d disagree it ‘completely’ changes it.
That’s not the original sales pitch. People were expecting a solo rated PVP queue. Even top tier players think duo queuing is a problem. The only people who don’t think it’s a problem are the people who are taking advantage of the system and who want to maintain an unfair advantage.
Meaning you’re in the same category as twinks, and people who bypass raid queuing restrictions in epic bg’s. It’s a silly argument being made by silly people who are upset that they are being told people don’t like it when they have to fight people with an unfair advantage for no reason other than that those people want an unfair advantage.
Which was why you rejected the idea of playing 2v2 arena’s. Perfectly fair game mode, each team is afforded the same tools. 8v8 where most people are going to solo queue but you can queue as a duo is not at all the same. Either the solo queue needs to go or the duo’s need to go.
Rated play usually has some loose idea that you’re playing a fair match.
Duo queues provide an unrealistic advantage, especially when playing against a team of 8 pugs. It’s wild we even have to have this conversation because other games flatly don’t allow it and never allowed it.
But people actively benefitting from an unfair advantage, and even after acknowledging it’s a huge advantage will sit there and pretend it’s not a perfectly valid reason for removing it.
People who don’t read act surprised when the fine print had details they weren’t expecting.
Oh well, too bad, so sad.
Oh no. Blizzard decided to let people duo queue in a ranked game mode with solo players.
Anyways. I will not stop talking about it till Blizzard fixes the problem.
Oh, good, years from now, you’ll still be malding that you refused/failed to read some news, that one time, a year ago.
That’s not the problem, and it’s cute you think it is.
Solo queues shouldn’t have to fight duo queues. Especially not in a ‘rated’ PVP mode. All kinds of things are removed from use because they provide advantages- it’s wild that Blizzard doesn’t even let you use food buffs or potions because that’s a little unfair to anyone not using them but apparently duo queues aren’t some massive edge.
It really is.
It was in the official announcement, which you failed to read and are now surprised.
Despite it being available to test for the previous two seasons, but you didn’t bother to try it out or give feedback on it.
Because it wasn’t on the screen which matters to you.
If you want to play with a food buff, you should check out the Panda racial.
Ah yes, because we should never, ever change anything. I mean I wasn’t really playing for that chunk of dragonflight so I should just accept things as they are.
And it’s completely consistent in terms of power scaling that we not allow food buffs but duo queues are completely fine. No advantage there, whatsoever.
So you think the panderan racial food buff bonus is more powerful than getting a duo queue.
locking duo to healer is stupid. Idk how duo as dps ruins the matchmaking in a way that doing so with a healer does not.
No. I get both, if I want them.
It doesn’t. But healers are always the bottleneck, so healers get the perk.
There’s a dime a dozen of DPS players, you can be easily replaced.
Shoulda been solo queue only. Duo queues dumb.
You had an entire year, from the official announcement and two seasons of testing, to voice your opinion.
And for an entire year i have held my opinion. Thank you for pointing out the obvious. Anything else?
There is the fundamental disagreement.
I’m glad the devs agree, healers deserve a perk. Players good at making friends with healers get to share the perk.
The horror
Did you voice your opinion?
Where are the posts requesting it be removed?
Why didn’t you mobilize enough people to get it changed?
Most of your posts have been variations on this theme:
I had this exact idea when SS was introduced. So im thrilled they added duo que with only healers in a rated BG.
I posted throughout the beginning of DF about it, most people agreed. So its pretty hilarious to see someone complaining so much. I also just returned to WoW this month after a long break, and missed that testing too.
You can certainly keep complaining its your right, ill be sure to comment on it too.
Playing as healer was the worst in SS and rated BGs. Your team often wouldn’t help at all. Now, ive got one guy who will. And we can finally play ranked without waiting forever.