Duo Que ruined blitz

Of course, those Rank 1 glads are normally at the top of every season. Im sure a few of them use the Duo feature aswel for Blitz if they play it.

I’m personally having a great time in Blitz win or lose. There are some games though that no matter how well I play we still lose. It is what it is.

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Maybe I’m wrong about how long the casual mode of it has been available. But, comparing how the game is played in that version, compared to Rated when people abuse every mechanic possible to win is very silly.

seems normal to me. this is 9 games in a bracket that is going to be more volatile on your mmr than something like 2s. you do have less control over the outcome comparatively. anybody complaining about small loss streaks has to realize that they just happen. Losing 4 in a row then blaming it on duo queue would be an absurd argument.

Sometimes, but you have to be doing damage that matters and is producing kills, not just maximizing the meter. Id say its more telling on the heal meter than damage half the time. Ill take the guy with 12 killing blows all day over somebody spreading meaningless dots.

depends on the person. the guy saying he lost 25 games in a row all over the forum obviously is bad, incredibly toxic, or lying.

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It is being played in almost exactly the same way that it was played during the testing phase. There were dedicated players trying to find bugs and shortfalls, there are videos and threads about them. The powerups were adjusted on occasion.

It’s just that there are more people playing it.

Mostly because it’s on the screen that rated players look at.

Wait, are people using every mechanic to win or are they standing around like chat bots padding in the teamfight?

It’s OK to not like things, You don’t have to manufacture reasons for other people to not like it too.

I vote neither, they’re standing around with their thumbs in their dates.

Yeah, padding meters as a Balance Druid for eg has its area but if your not one of the padding classes and consistently high on dmg, killing blows and playing well with timed ccs/silences your good.

Then you look at the meters and its you on top followed by 3-4 members of the opposite team then one of your own team in slow 5th place it kind of paints the picture the issue is not with you.

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i mean yeah but you’re baking in ‘playing well’ with also doing a lot of damage. Sometimes youll just lose and be the least deserving player on the team of that loss.

im talking about people that think they are hard stuck at low rating because of bad luck and their teams. You’re not going to consistently play at a high level and be stuck at low mmr


If I am at the top of the meters and we lost, then I would be looking to myself and what happened to me, allowing myself to get baited into useless fights.

I mean they are not mutually exclusive, I can be doing low damage and capping bases and I can be doing high damage and capping bases.


Agreed. Although it can feel that way on a lose streak

Completely depends on the circumstances, needlessly fighting on roads ? yup

Defending a node but always in a fight or fighting for a flag then not really a useless fight.

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Wth is duo que?

A healer can queue with a dps friend in Rated Battleground Blitz.

Typically it yields an advantage for that duo over solo queue because they can play really well together, be on discord and thusly shout targets to each other.

Some people are debating that it needs to be strictly solo queue because queing as a duo for Blitz is a big advantage unless the other team has a duo queue.

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A healer can also queue with a healer or a tank.


uh yeah thats my entire point from the get go. glad you agree.


Healers can also Q with another healer if they want to. I have seen some very effective healer pairs.

The bigger issue is that two duo queues syncing their queues together can easily engage in shady wintrading behavior, as they will constitute 1/4th of the instance.

BG Blitz was pitched as a solo rated queue for BG’s.

If you have a friend you want to play with, there’s 2v2 arenas for that. Getting to set a quarter of your team’s comp can radically change the outcome of BG’s and represents a massive advantage a solo queue player doesn’t have.

None of this is complicated, it’s only contrarians who are benefitting off it who argue against it. Solo queues mean solo. Solo queues shouldn’t be beholden to the whims of people who queue as a pair. Especially when they already have a game mode made for them. Pretending 2’s have no particular advantage over a team of complete strangers is being aggressively ignorant.


Shady people gonna be shady no matter what.

Healers only placed in 3v3

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And that’s what it is. I have hundreds of games played and I have not duo Qd once. Been having a great time.

Duo Q has been part of BGB since it was announced. It’s not going away. It’s not getting a split Q,

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