Dungeons ques are not speedruns. This has gotta stop

Yeah, there will always be go go go mentality but if you want quests to count for more OP you need to ask Blizzard to change dungeon exp structure to be almost none for trash, lots for bosses (so people don’t want to skip them), and almost nothing for finishing. I personally think that’s a terrible idea as I like the go-go mentality but expecting players to not play the most optimal way to level is not going to happen.

maybe, but in this case i disagree that going more slowly through dungeons we’ve done hundreds of times already is quality

Fast trivial content is fun.

Raids and M+ are not TW.

TW is for leveling and the bribe box.


Yeah if people want to play slow they should just do m+.

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I agree that it can be annoying when it comes to not completing quests but other than that. Speedruns are great!

No. We should be able to skip the leveling process.

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also be given level 600+ gear. Its stupid to have to work for anything. Free level up, free max gear, let us get to endgame so we can complain there is to little content.

Already rains from the sky.

Did you really just compare speed running dungeons as a tank to dangerously driving and risking serious injury and/or death to yourself and others on a freeway?



Its Trivial because you see it that way.

Other people like playing the game entirely.

Again, why can a lvl 11 walk through everything and thats okay but pincushion raid bosses arent other than personal opinion?


Have you tried the w key? It’s really not that hard to keep up.


If you would like do to the other things, you are welcome to que up as the tank

It is a bonus we get for having to deal with DPS and healers at max level


Honestly, if you just want to explore old instances, pull at your own pace, focus on the lore, admire the aesthetics… Solo the original instances outside of TW. You won’t be asking others to wait for you, and can take as long as you like.

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However, until then, bring on the L11 twink tanks.

No it’s trivial, it hasn’t been current content for 10-20 years.

Not everything, TW. You’re ignoring everything being said to argue in bad faith. Take away the level 11 and guess what? The group will still steamroll through a TW.

You want challenge and/or methodical? Do M+, Raids, and Rated La the current endgame content.

Decade old content people are just using to level is not a challenge.


Besides leaving and letting people die, all else seems great to me. Work made faster is better, mostly.

As long as someone can efficiently rush through a dungeon, they’ll do it, and the moment Blizzard adjust values to make it impossible to do so, people are gonna be here en masse to complain.

It’s happened before.

Wanna take your sweet time? There are ways within the game to already do it at your pace.

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If you can play it in the game, its not trivial. Thats not how that word works.

Yeah, if everyone is doing tw, what do you think I meant?? Try less mental gymnastics and give interpretation a try.

Play a tank then if you dont like how other people play?

No, it’s trivial because they are tuned to be doable by the least-capable people in the game, as with all queued content. They aren’t designed to be hard, you even get buffs just for showing up to make it ever easier to clear. Queued content was never designed to be hard.

Trivial has nothing to do with it being a game. Snakes and ladders is trivial too, it’s quite literally just dice without strategy or any decision making, but that’s a game still.