Going to be a epic fail, they already said the emasculated the men “go strong woman go” will be the theme.
I laugh just thinking about it.
Would be funny if they were savvy enough that, after the credits, it was a bunch of people sitting around a table and the DM goes “So, same time next week?”
Looks pretty dumb to me.
Also, I’m getting tired of the cliche trailer thing where epic music is playing then stops for a line that’s supposed to be funny but turns out to be an old, unfunny joke.
Yeah Whedon kinda botched dialogue delivery for everyone with its overuse
Corny dialogue can be fun but you gotta embrace the cheese. Hi Fi Rush is such a fun example of how you can be silly without it feeling forced
But I’m a sucker for Jojo references so I’m biased lol
Looks alright but I think I would’ve preferred a more laidback plot for a dnd movie rather than we gotta stop the evil villain and save the people’s but we’ll see how it goes. I imagine a major disconnect will come with many fans as people run their campaigns very differently from each other and might come in expecting a certain thing. I’ll give it a try though, more dnd media is appreciated.
I’m excited for it because I’m sure it will be visually amazing.
Might be an unpopular opinion, but I am not a fan of the “Marvelization” of the trailers. I’m sure the movie will be similar. I don’t know how to explain that, but it seems more like a Marvel movie and less like a high fantasy epic adventure.
Then again, when I was a kid I looooved that D&D movie with Damadar.
Yea I think that’s my main worry. I’d much prefer a dnd movie that is just based on fantasy adventures if you get what I mean. I don’t think they need to be killing a country ending threat to have an interesting movie and that’s the vibe the trailer gives off.
This is a D&D movie but created with the main stream movie going audience in mind. So that it appeals to to largest audience possible.
Although from the trailers, I can see that it includes D&D things. So I’m hoping it will succeed in popularity with both the D&D and general audiences.
I mean; good fantasy films are hard to come by. Hope this one succeeds so I can add it to my fantasy film collection.
I think you mean best buddies!
Gonna be a horrible movie that’ll flop.
Looking fwd to this.
Chris Pine is one of fav actors.
Looks like they have the budget this time too so it wont look cheezy like the last few.
Preview makes it look great.
I think it looks like a campy version of dnd. Which is fine. I was hoping one day we can get a dark and dramatic dnd movie from forgotten realms or something. Even the dragonlance trilogy is dramatic and dark with some campiness in it.
I saw the trailer and after hearing the music it reminded me of a knight tales more than anything. I really liked knights tale but I mean it’s kinda super ludicrous.
History is not on the side of dnd movies. Tv shows. They made a cartoon trilogy of dragonlance and it was brutal. I mean since Peter Jackson’s lord of the rings and game of Thrones….the dnd franchise can actually achieve something. But my hopes are seriously low. I expect a campy entertaining ride but at the end of it I suspect I’ll feel like it could have been ten times more than it was
Definitely watching this first day. I’ll eat popcorn, laugh, and get to see some D&D monsters. Been playing the game since the early 80s, so I’m excited to see a movie based on D&D.
…there hasn’t been a movie based on D&D before in my personal head canon.
From the trailers, it seems to capture the feel of a typical D&D party quiet well. Given a serious quest, they will joke and quip their way through it.
I saw it today, got to go to a preview due to being an Amazon Prime subscriber. shrug.
Anyway, it was good. I think it will do OK.
There were a couple of parts where the audience just plain LOL’d.
It look fun I think i’m going to see it when it comes out I haven’t seen any movies in theaters since Avatar 2.
Meh. Just looks like more modern day super hero stuff but this time it is called “Dungeons and Dragons” and set in a fantasy setting.
One would prefer an Adventures of the Gummi Bears style TV Show for D&D.
Furthermore the setting should be Planescape not the Forgotten Realms which is just a generic Fantasy Setting which just gets yawns from everyone.
Planescape is about the Planes of existence not some generic Fantasy Planet!
Mount Celestia’s 1st, 2nd and 4th Layer are the most interesting parts of Mount Celestia while Arborea’s 5 Layers(Olympus, Arvandor Land of Elves, Aquallor land of Sea Elves & Mermaids, Brightwater City of Revelry and Mithardir the Egyptian Land) are all interesting as is Tartarus’s 6 Layers:
- Othrys the String of Planets with Glowing Green Swamps(likely including a Portal to 222th Layer of the Abyss: Shedaklah which is practically an infinitely large expanse of Glowing Teal Green Mushroom Swamps) & Rocky Mountains
- Cathrys the String of Planets with Crimson Jungles & Grasslands
- Minethys the String of Planets with Blood Sand
- Colothys the String of Planets with jutting spires with one garden planet
- Porphatys the String of Planets with Icebergs & Seas & Blizzards of Blood Acid or Black Acid
- Agathys the String of Planets with Dark Ice with Glowing Red Streaks with a giant Necropolis made of Dark Ice with Glowing Red Streaks
Have an episode in Sigil where a background character gets Mazed by the Lady of Pain.
One of the players in my first group called himself her Disciple and created two lower level versions of the Maze spell that had limitations, such as duration, or size and complexity of the maze. He was terrified to go to Sigil because he knew she would not be pleased by his claim. Good times were had.