Small, indie, dev LOL.
Oh I got that part. I understood that portion. I just thought you finished it and it gave you Dragonflight gear. I get what you’re saying now.
Small indie company etc. etc.
“the final boss of each DRAGONFLIGHT dungeon will drop and extra item”
so yeah this is a dragonflight event.
Small indie company things.
Rev up the DeLorean. We’ve got a timeline to fix.
bwahaha, they should have done a 5 hour maintenance as usual
Where is the quality control? Feel like this should of been caught
Canned, blizzard canned their QA team a while ago, and it shows.
Not the whole team. They use us to make up the difference. And what’s better is we’ll pay for the privilege.
Which is why every patch is buggier than a spider dungeons.
Beyond a doubt some high exec corporate suit(s) are gorging themselves on the profits at the expense of the product and staff.
They were part of the layoffs a while back.
If you want QC it’ll cost you a raid tier.
Oh wow! I just noticed the quest says Heroic OR Mythic, isn’t it normally do 4 Mythic? Or was in DF? Unless I just never noticed.
I want the actual workers to be paid well, QC included . Tired of excessive profit going to business execs and shareholders who are just throwing around printed money they got for low rates at the time from the govt aka our tax dollars.
Can someone please shoot them a tweet, letting them know about this issue.
I killed my Twitter 4 years ago.
You have to do non-seasonal heroics.
City of Threads is absolute Cancer and doing just Stonevault does not sound fun at all, and the extra loot is still on Dragonflight Dungeons.
This is clearly a mistake and needs to be fixed.
I just did 4 Stone vaults in a row all 4 took me 8 mins but im Tank and pulled the whole dungeon
i doubt the intention is for people to just chain Stonevault over and over.