Dungeon Tuning Rolling Out

Honestly a good start but still just a small step on fixing a lot of hte issues, hope to see more adjustments.

This was the one mechanic out of every dungeon this season that made absolutely rage. Thank god for this change.

Perfect! more nerfs please. Thanks

Fix your ridiculous weekly affix.

The knockback was very frustrating, but you’ve made the fight boring. Another mechanic/interaction is needed.

It’s 7 hours since weekly reset and about a half day of work time, but the impossible dungeon runs made by ridiculous affix spawning position has still not been fixed. incompetent QA, incompetent feedback reaction from beta server, and incompetent reaction from live server.

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Skarmorak’s dots are self-inflicted.

siege has even more bugs now, great job

instant shots from cannon guy, 2nd boss spawns adds that aren’t even supposed to be there out of nowhere and desync with swirls.

Go play elden ring then

Agreed. My plan changed from trying to push this season to getting 2k and stop til next season. It is a lot less fun than it was in dragonflight because of dungeon tuning.

? they’re not supposed to be pushover easy

Thanks for this! :slight_smile: