Dungeon Tuning Rolling Out

Can we get a fix to the base UI rating filter when trying to find keys. The field you enter the number into only allows a maximum of 3 digits so you can only filter out keys with rating lower than 999.


Your encounters team hit a lot of the suggestions made in a previous hotfix thread. Good changes. Looking forward to more.

Next changes wanted:

  • City of Threads, Izo, Tremor Slam deals 30% less damage.
  • Necrotic Wake, Stitchflesh periodic damage ticks 50% less often.
  • Siege of Boralus, Demolisher Tentacles no longer cause a knockback effect.
  • Siege of Boralus, the geometry of the area near the statue has been changed to include a pedestal, and the water removed.
  • Grim Batol, Warlocks only cast 1 Curse, instead of 2.
  • Grim Batol, Lavabenders’ frontal slam no longer hasted by Ascension.
  • Grim Batol, Erudax tentacles expire when Shadowgale finishes.
  • Grim Batol, Valiona health reduced by 20%.
  • Grim Batol, Valiona, Shadowflame Elementals can only trigger its explosion against the fixated target.
  • Stonevault, Master Machinists, Speaker Brokk will not cast Molten Metal immediately after Scrap Song.
  • Stonevault, Master Machinists, Exhaust Vents group damage reduced by 30%.
  • Stonevault, Eirich, Entropic Reckoning cast less often.
  • Mists of Tirna Scithe, checkpoints display a message in chat when updated.

And the healer’s.
God forbid you get targeted back to back.

Just this alone is a righteous change.

Most of those would work towards making it too easy

Specially things like only exploding on the focused target

I don’t disagree. It’s just annoying to have a stun lead to an explosion. It gives melee less of an excuse.

No, you don’t need to be elevated +2-3 key levels.

did they fix time walking or tbc dungeon yet

? What was wrong with that

I still won’t do M+.

But do please keep trying.

Don’t worry, I’ll do twice as many to make up

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I’d rather they fix the “not very fun” stuff. Tuning can wait ofc.

What is the “not very fun” stuff?

Ascension hasting the Lavabender’s frontal line attack. – feels too fast, even when you react normally.
Curses going down to 1 per cast, down from 2. (They changed this ofc.) – It wasnt fun because 2 curses = dont bother healing that target
Erudax tentacles were a pain to see.

Stuff like that. Targeted nerfs that make the game less fun. I’d rather die to mechanics I can see and react to in a reasonable amount of time.

Improved Visibility? They do love us!
No more knock backs on t he SoB Final Boss? I could actually hug you.

oh sweet lord thank you

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I remember siege in BFA was the last mythic I ever did in WoW. Was playing a mistweaver and yeah, I don’t like mythics anymore :smiley:

Please just change the dungeons. They are terrible.

Is anything going to be done about the fact that Zekvir is impossible for tanks to do?

Siege of Boralus is an awful dungeon, it needs way more than that. Added knockback on slam was one of the worst things in S1 dungeon pool, I don’t know why Blizzard added that on PTR and let that through the live. I am glad that Blizzard removed the knockback on slam. There’s some stupid interaction with Iron Hook and swirlies.

That’s a good target for nerfs because they were too oppressive in the dungeon.

I did +9 SV, Master Machinists is now manageable. Vents and Blazing Crescendo were what wiped the groups before nerfs / fixes. I’d love to see some touch on Skarmorak and Loader’s dots.

The bosses in the City of Thread need a tuning. For example, the last boss in the City of Thread is a personal defensive every 30 seconds. Stitchflesh is still overtuned, triple spears and lust are still required. I wouldn’t surprised if Blizzard decides to make spears not work on bosses and nerfs Abominations. Gatekeeper is still not worth pulling and the count is still bad.

The Dawnbreaker need a lot of bug fixing, affixes can spawn under the ships and the character can go through the ship. The Dawnbreaker has way more bugs than that.