Dungeon Tuning Rolling Out

Today with hotfixes, we’ve made several significant adjustments to dungeons.


  • Siege of Boralus
    • Iron Tide Raider health reduced by 15%.
    • Bilge Rat Buccaneer health reduced by 10%.
    • Irontide Waveshaper health reduced by 20%.
    • Ashvane Sniper health reduced by 10%.
    • Scrimshaw Enforcer health reduced by 20%.
    • Bilge Rat Tempest's Choking Waters cast time increased.
    • Iron Tide Raider's Iron Hook ability cooldown increased.
    • Iron Tide Raider's Iron Hook maximum range decreased.
    • Bilge Rat Demolisher Crushing Slam's damage ignores armor and its damage has been reduced by 40%.
    • Bilge Rat Demolisher health reduced by 10%.
    • Dread Captain Lockwood
      • [hotfix not yet live] No longer faces players during Mass Bombardment.
      • [hotfix not yet live] Clear the Deck now has a cast visual.
    • Hadal Darkfathom
      • Health reduced by 5%.
    • Viq'Goth
      • Demolishing Terror's Slam no longer knocks players back.
      • Demolishing Terror's Slam damage now ignores armor.
      • Fixed an issue that caused the area effect when dispelling Putrid Waters to not scale in Mythic keystones.
      • Developers’ notes: The intent of these changes is to balance the overall length of the dungeon against the timer, while rewarding players for prioritizing high-threat enemies. The adjustments to Viq’goth aim to even out damage across all armor types and eliminate a frustrating aspect of the encounter.
  • Grim Batol
    • Twilight Warlock's Enveloping Shadowflame now targets 1 player (was 2).
    • Mutated Hatchling’s Shadow Wound increases Shadow damage taken by 3% per application (was 5%).
    • Faceless Corruptor's Corrupt cast time increased and damage reduced by 10%.
    • Twilight Destroyer's Twilight Ember area denial no longer inflicts damage instantly when stepping into the area.
    • Erudax
      • Reduced the visual scale of Erudax to improve visibility during the encounter.
      • Players afflicted with Depth's Grasp have a brief immunity to Void Tendrils upon expiration.
      • Improved the visibility of Void Tendrils.
      • Mutated Hatchling’s Shadow Wound increases Shadow damage taken by 3% per application (was 5%).
  • Necrotic Wake
    • Addressed an issue where players can be targeted by affixes while on their way back to the top platform during Nalthor the Rimebinder.
  • Mists of Tirna Scithe
    • Mistcaller
      • Improved the visibility of the Vulpin summoned by Freeze Tag.
      • The range of Patty Cake has been increased.
  • The Stonevault
    • [hotfix not yet live] Void Bound Howlers will now properly reset their health when leaving combat.
    • Master Machinists
      • Ability timing has been adjusted to prevent a potentially unfair overlaps between Exhaust Vents and Blazing Crescendo.
      • Molten Metal cast time increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
      • Silenced Speaker now inflicts damage every 3 seconds (was every 1.5 seconds).

User Interface

  • Dungeon Finder
    • Addressed an issue where key level does not automatically populate for Siege of Boralus.

These changes will all appear in our next hotfixes update.


Master machinists got the nerf bat hard

still not sure who thought bringing siege back was a good idea, but glad to see it got nerfed hard.

still avoiding that place as much as possible though


Thank you for visuals on this spinny lady. Could we also get her to land prior to resuming her attacks? Having her cast Gutshot because she’s flying through the air like a majestic seagull over everyone’s melee range is not great.

Thank the lord. The third platform on the final boss of Siege was a nightmare as a healer. Especially if your team ran there early and you keep getting knocked into the water.

“Potentially unfair,” potentially!? I’d say it was about as fair as bringing a flamethrower to a knife fight.

Really glad these fixes are being implemented because this has been hands down the worst M+ dungeon lineup we’ve ever had. Way too many one shot mechanics paired with super tight timers make for a rushed, hectic, and messy experience. The M+ system as a whole has become a monstrosity that’s driving players away with its excessive difficulty, endless grind, and generally toxic atmosphere.


Where can I pick up some flippers to swim around in the fountain at the third boss in seige?


All the fun is nerfed :cry:

Get up on the statue, so much easier

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Sometimes the boss leaves a big pile of mean ice there.

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No, that’s not the boss doing that, that’s a player being dumb dumb lol

Siege of Boralus: last boss with this affix

Orbs spawn over water and cross over, it should nto work that way

The ones that have [hotfix not yet live] – is there an ETA for those?



This is terrible. Changes must be much more aggressive to make dungeons less overtuned and overbloated with mechanics. Atm +5 feels like you are doing +20 in Dragonflight. This is unacceptable. Fix your game Blizzard. This is literally unplayable.

Those massively overtuned dungeons only promote toxity and detract players from the game, making them quit.

No, a plus 5 feels like a plus 15, which it should

Thank goodness, the knockback was so annoying.

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It’s probably still gonna smear people.

Well, sounds like that’s their problem lol

You forgot to nerf enhancement shaman with this one…