This whole power through everything as fast as possible mindset is so f’ing annoying. Had a healer leave my DTK group because they wanted to skip 2 bosses and we didn’t. Like, if you don’t want to do the dungeon don’t bother asking to join the group
You just discuss things like this before starting the dungeon. People play for different reasons. They’re probably as annoyed as you are. Only ones to blame are yourselves here.
edit: I’m wrong, it’s normal to assume a full dungeon run if nothing is said beforehand, the person wanting to skip should’ve said so beforehand. I understand the annoyance.
The majority of players want to skip. If you don’t want to skip discuss it in advanced as you are the one going adverse to the majority. Most people are fine spending the extra time when you ask in advance or better make a group with that in mind. Getting annoyed since people that are only there for the last boss go straight to last boss is the odd thing. There is nothing in heroix plus most people need other than the quest
“Dude who cares its just a badge bro”
god i hate those people. To you its “just one badge” to me its badge 39 out of 40 and missing that one boss = I need to run an entirely new dungeon AKA with no RDF and clearing at least another 30 mins.
This is pretty much the norm in H+, blame blizzard. The boss drops aren’t worth the annoyance of clearing to/killing them so they’re avoided if possible.
I’m annoyed because I need the badges for gear.
I’m skipping every boss.
Eh most people just want to finish the daily, the gear and old badges are somewhat obsolete to most people.
But like someone else said, just discuss before you start
As said if thar is the case make a group telling people you’re doing all from the start giving them the option to leave.
The majority skips and that is the meta right now as such you are adverse to the meta and need to mention it pre the run. Most people don’t mind clearing the extra when you ask pre the start. While if it’s your group you can set the way by inviting those that will clear all.
If not your group and people pick to not clear all that’s there right.
I wish I could skip World of Warcraft
But he wanted to do the dungeon…for the daily…Other 2 bosses is a waste of time.
I always skip as many bosses as possible.
I have no need to spend extra 20 minutes killing every single boss (ESPECIALLT IN DKT) for 2 extra Valor I have no use for. I got over 400 of them as is.
So yes, I’d leave too & find/form another group.
Whenever I host, I made it crystal clear if bosses are being skipped. In all of 3 weeks, I may have had only 1 person asking to do all bosses. Everyone else wants to skip.
Only boss that matters is the last one
Bag and last boss all H+ is good for.
It’s definitely frustrating when players have different goals and expectations for what they want to accomplish in a dungeon or raid group. However, it’s important to remember that everyone is entitled to play the game in the way that they enjoy the most, even if it’s not aligned with the group’s goals.
In this situation, it might have been better for both parties if the healer had communicated their desire to skip certain bosses before joining the group, so that everyone could have been on the same page from the start.
In the end, it’s better for everyone to be upfront about their expectations and preferences to avoid disappointment and frustration down the line.
Have a great rest of your day!
Imagine if blizzard could design an in game interface that allowed players to list exactly what group activities they were looking to join in a clear and concise way.
What’s most annoying about it is that most of these skips save you sub 10 minuets and some people will throw a fit if you don’t cater to their whim. Like I get that a 25 minuet run is ~160% of a 15 minuet run, but 10 minuets is still 10 minuets. If you’re operating within that threshold (which I’m sure these gamers are not), you don’t have time to commit to a group.
Then some of the skips don’t even make sense. Like doing the “skip” on the first boss of UK. That’s less than a 2 minuet fight and you have to all but physically brush pass him on your way through the dungeon.
Badges stay worth money in one way or another and often times doing one of those skip bosses that are really easy and not inconvenient to skip is worth it to someone else in the group.
i love dungeon skips, makes it so much faster. Do I miss out on other tokens yes, but id rather just miss the 1 or 2 tokens than put up with suffering in a dungeon for an extra 20 or 30 minutes.
Fact, if they just move the end boss to the zone in line, that would be the best. Pop in, kill target boss. done.
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