Dungeon Set 2 Quest Issues on Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak and Return to Bodley

I am having issue some players been experiencing with 0.5 quest chain on the last quest.
I am quoting this player describing the issue which is the same issue I am having " I have an issue where I completed the quest Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak with a guildie, but because he accepted the follow up before I was able to grab it, the NPC despawned and I now have no way to re-summon the Spirit of Lord Valthalak, as the Lord Valthalak’s Amulet got turned in when I turned in the Mea Culpa quest. I can’t obtain Lord Valthalak’s Amulet from Bodley either, as the dialogue option for it is gone as well, so right now there’s actually no way for me to grab the follow up quest.

This is by no means a unique issue, I know a couple other players that have had this issue since there are more people doing this quest in groups rather than by themselves, was wondering if there was a fix other than waiting for the support team to reply. They said that they’re not able to put the quest into my Quest Log, which at this point is one of the only ways I can get this quest chain done and get my Dungeon Set 2, otherwise I am basically locked out of it until I can piggyback off someone else’s quest chain."


Has blizzard resolved this for you?

I have this exact same issue. It still persists in SoM. It’s very disappointing that after 1 year they STILL havent fixed this bug. The quest giver takes away the amulet for you to speak with Valthalak, even if you kill him again there is no way for you to communicate with him. Therefore, there is no way to finish this long quest chain. I’ve not recieved a satisfactory response yet from Blizzard only that many players still report this and its still being looked at.