Dungeon Set 2 Quest Issues on Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak and Return to Bodley

I have an issue where I completed the quest Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak with a guildie, but because he accepted the follow up before I was able to grab it, the NPC despawned and I now have no way to re-summon the Spirit of Lord Valthalak, as the Lord Valthalak’s Amulet got turned in when I turned in the Mea Culpa quest. I can’t obtain Lord Valthalak’s Amulet from Bodley either, as the dialogue option for it is gone as well, so right now there’s actually no way for me to grab the follow up quest.

This is by no means a unique issue, I know a couple other players that have had this issue since there are more people doing this quest in groups rather than by themselves, was wondering if there was a fix other than waiting for the support team to reply. They said that they’re not able to put the quest into my Quest Log, which at this point is one of the only ways I can get this quest chain done and get my Dungeon Set 2, otherwise I am basically locked out of it until I can piggyback off someone else’s quest chain.

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I have this same issue, I opened a ticket and am waiting a response. I completed the quest “Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak” Me and another rogue died on the fight. My shaman guildie rezed the pub first, we both use our amulet to summon the spirit of Valthalak - quest completed.

Now he was the first to accept the next quest, I had clicked the spirit and before I was able to click accpet the box went away and the spirit despawned. I spent most of the last week grinding this quest, I used 700+ gold on items or mats used. I wanted to raid with my new gear but I am unable to even have the option of the next step of the quest. All I have left are turn ins and moving form one location to the other.

I killed Valthalak again tonight after raiding BWL and MC, I could not summon the spirit as the last time I did it consumed the amulet. I do not know how to get a new amulet as it was part of the quest line and rewards. I talked to bodley again to make sure that he could not give me an amulet, he cannot. This feels like a hell of an april fools joke here, the time I spent grinding for items, the gold I spend and time I spent on mats. Now I can do nothing, I opened a ticket do I have to wait 3 weeks before anything happens?

Blizzard is there any way you can help out or do you have no concern for people who actually enjoy playing the game.

Posted as elmersmoo above, this is the toon it happened on.

If we piggyback off someone else’s it puts them in the same position we are now, this is the curse that keeps cursing.

2 days have passed since this happened to me in game, I have opened a ticket and reported a bug but there is no communication. Is it possible to have resolve on this issue?

Any update on this? I’m dealing with the same issue. I get invalid target when I try to target the corpse with the amulet

Having the same issue, stuck without the follow up quest “Return to Bodley” as the NPC depawned before I could pick it up.

Basically cannot continue the quest line.

Genuinegly pissed off after two days of ticket waiting I get an automated response telling me to drop a quest I don’t have.

Instead of firing 800 employees, maybe Activision can give their customers a proper service.

Thank you for contacting us in regard to an issue with a quest. We are experiencing a high volume of tickets right now and apologize for being unable to discuss the issue further with you.

For quest related issues, please attempt the following for potential resolution:

  • Abandon and retake the quest
  • Reset UI and retest with no add-ons ( -link snip- )
  • Check the Wowhead database and guides for more information ( -link snip-

Game Masters are not able to provide game hints, grant quest credit, or assist with in-game bugs. If you believe the issue is due to a bug, please follow the in-game steps noted below to notify our development team directly. In addition, visit our Bug Report forums to report bugs, discuss them with the community, and check the status of known issues -link snip- or -link snip-

  • Click Help to open the Customer Support window
  • Click Submit Bug
  • Follow the guidelines to enter the details of the bug
  • Click Submit

Your ticket was identified to be about the issue addressed above. If this is not the case, please respond so a Game Master can manually review it.


glad i know about this so I’ll make sure no one else is on the chain before I summon.

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So, unfortunately I ran into this exact same issue tonight.

Has anyone gotten any resolution on this from the ticket system? ??

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Did this ever get fixed?

Did this ever get fixed for you?

Blizzard corrected my issue within 2 Days.

I have this exact same issue. I am trying to contact Blizzard to help me with this. Someone else took the follow up quest from me. I killed Valthalak a 2nd time was unable to get the spirit to spawn. This really sucks.