I mean that makes sense. Like I said previously if someone is just pure dog at the game it happens. 3k is more or less just not playing the game.
Wand dps is more dps.
I have kicked hunters for having auto attack as #1 dps or #2 that should not be happening ever
orbs will be boe at some point so why not get a head start just like in wrath
In original cata, that was at some point during the Dragon Soul patch, so should be coming up soon in Classic.
This is true, but I am fairly certain this is not a top priority for the developers. The Dragon Soul raid was bugged, which is the main reason for the patch (at least they claimed to have fixed the bugs). Furthermore, they have not even added the new H+ dungeons for testing. The 5 interns working on Cata have alot to do.
I’ve seen it more than once
Get ready to kick more PvP geared players using the new 377 BoE PvP blue pvp gear.
People get kicked for low DPS, but usually only after low DPS is deemed to have caused a wipe.
I’ve only had to do this once personally, but the rogue was doing about 5-7k single target in an inferno (somehow that low?) when they first released and people had lower average Ilvl going in.
IIRC It was first boss SFK when he gets low and starts doing that aoe, we couldn’t hold out long enough for the heals mana as it ramped up even though we had a decent healer. The coffin nail was seeing none of his gear was gemmed or enchanted though.
bro i remember when Firelands patch came up, i got kicked once becouse the leader was farming orbs, and ask me if i wanna pass or need on that, i said i needed aswell and he kick me in the last boss, thats fk unfair haha
He might have initiated the kick, but the other players yes voted on it. This is why you do guild/premade group runs. You can avoid all that.
I can bs. Didnt happen.
Either you guys are running into the absolute worst people in the game, or its a complete lie. Why would the other people kick knowing that its not for a good reason? Ive only seen very few people being kicked and each one of them have been warranted.
I havent been kicked, I have left, but not kicked.
Here is a list of reasons why I kick people. This list is not in any specific order of importance, just valid reasons.
PvP gear
Bad dps/tank or healer
Mankirk player
Ironic coming from the gold buyer.
I would love to discuss your damage output, but it appears that you do not have any 25-man heroic logs.