Dungeon Kicking

Since Lich King, there has been an escalation of people kicking other players for No reason, this has steamed from prior server old blanchy and where we were all transferred to Pagle. On voting for kick, it pops up in the middle of the screen and most people dont even read it and click it to remove it. reasons are mostly because of Low dps. not reading chat, pvp gear what ever. It doesnt seem to matter if the group is progressing and not even failing at the dungeon. Most of the Rudeness is coming from Benediction. Also because most of the reasons are not even valid that person gets a 30 min debuff that they can not join another group, they also have no idea why they are removed. I personally have been kicked because they didnt like I was a frost mage, I didnt provide mana cakes, even thought they asked then ran off…I have been removed because I stopped to get mana…( I have whispered and asked why?? ) This needs to be fixed. How can people get better, they should know the reason if valid to work on it. This game has become toxic for infernos instead of fun and challenging. This doesnt happen in retail…

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I thought this was about leveling dungeons until I read this.

But then OP, you didn’t need to ask them why, because you yourself said what the problem was…

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There is always a reason.

The lest effective pve dps mage spec. Look i found a reason.

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My paladin is usually bottom dps during trash. It never fails. Ret is probably one of the worst designed dps specs in cata and not a single person has actually said anything to be about my performance in a random dungeon of any kind.

If you are getting kicked, thats on you. You have got to be failing something constantly and not taking responsibility for it.


Honestly I cannot say I ever saw anyone get seriously kicked for being low DPS. It probably has happened but so few times it doesn’t strike a cord. If a tank is unable to like… actually tank… or if a healer cannot actually heal… yeah I have seen that a few times end with a kick. Even that usually is ignored until it becomes a stacking issue.

But I sure as hell have seen a lot of people kicked for just being insanely socially rude, complaining, refusing to go along with the groups direction, purposely pulling things to be a jerk, or just sitting AFK refusing to do anything until we bend the knee.

Que times don’t really offer up instant replacements these days so it usually just makes sense to just deal with players not being total S tier anymore. They got to be pretty dog at the game for the rest of the group to agree that this person has got to go.

I had a tank yelling brez to a healer that told them brez was down. I told them they shouldnt have tanked the blood beasts right on top of something they we needed to kill and he wouldnt have died. The boss died but its these mechanical mess ups that get people kicked.

That is a bigger time loss than any low dps character to the point that people just carry on. If you are interrupting if you have it, jumping during static cling and quake and generally not taking a whole lot of damage then people just do not care.

Actually - This is something I’m experiencing as well.

I don’t experience it Horde-side as my mains are on Mankrik…However, I joined a friend to play on Pagle and I see this often from Alliance.

I’ve been booted a few times from final bosses simply because they want the mat…

I always thought Faerlina was bad, but some of you Alliance folk are changing my stance.

Good evening Mr. 1 post rotating alt… Do you mind sharing your data points that demonstrates this is on the rise? I’ll wait right here why you gather those data elements.

While I don’t have solid data points - There was just a 3 hour argument in General Chat on Pagle in Stormwind about this practice - Some admitted to doing it for Chaos Orbs.

While I agree general chat is generally abhorrent…I think the fact that it’s an open discussion on the server says that this is a pretty well known issue…

Just sayin.

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This is not true there is always a reason.

Look you even posted a few of the reasons. Low DPS and PvP gear are legitimate reasons to remove individuals from dungeons. Not chat is also a valid reason if the chat pertains to the dungeon, such as explaining, boss fights, or strategies.

Well then don’t play alliance.

Lol please provide some of these “invalid reasons”

If someone is low dps,in PvP gear or not following instructions that is a valid punishment gives them time

  1. go hit a target dummy,read a guide on there class
  2. go to the bank and get PvE gear gemmed and enchanted
  3. learn to read and follow instruction.

Valid reason!!! Frost mage is a PvP spec. and not viable PvE spec until mop.

You have evocate and mana gems.

Then go play retail.

This and PvP gear are the top 2 reasons people are kicked.

Thats a surprise Ive seen alot players who get kicked because they are on Mankrik. That is actually in the top 5.

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How exactly do these people know who to kick? I havent seen a single person in a single group ask if anyone else will be rolling on the chaos orb. I havent seen a single person be kicked on the last boss in order to guarantee someone else gets the chaos orb.

I have seen 1 person be kicked from a group and I know exactly why they were kicked because I initiated it. They were the healer and they said they had to go because something came up and they never left the group. Waited a little bit and then initiated the kick to get a new healer.

Other than that out of probably close to 100 dungeons on 2 toons, people arent being kicked.


i’m gearing up a combat rogue and just bought a full set of the pvp crafted gear and did absolutely terrible dps but never got kicked, but i was also interrupting and stunning mobs and generally doing mechanics as well.

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You also have people going into infernals in meme specs doing at most 8k dps… people try to skip dungeon tiers with BOE’s/pvp gear then complain when you get booted for dragging the entire run down.

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I don’t kick, I just leave, but I once got a laugh out of a 341 healer with a mix of pvp gear in infernos. Was so blown away at the brazenness that I asked the group what difficulty it was, thinking I queued wrong. When they confirmed inferno, the healer had the gall to try and console me, telling me I was fine, like he wasn’t little man. But yeah I left.

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If they are doing less than 10k dps i will warn them they need to pick it up.

If they still cant break 10k dps (with cds mind you) i will try to kick them.

10k dps is not asking for a lot. Its easy to do 10k dps with cheapy gems, enchants, reforging, and a few pvp peices.

I dont really care if dps is low, but there is a point that it will make even a geared healer start to have mana issues in some long fights and some fights do have dps checks that need to be met or its a wipe.

My rogue has crap gear but still does 15k dps. I’ve never been kicked either. My DK has better gear and does 20-25k.

Most of the time the problem is the group not following mechanics. I’ve bailed on a number of groups that couldn’t even get past the first trash pull. I’ll take a deserter debuff over dealing with that nonsense.

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Thats part of my point. I will kick dps if its so low, we cant defeat the mechanics because of it.

True, but there is some dps checks, they are not super high and are sometimes limited by the healer and tanks gear for how low the dps can be.

With a decent tank and healer 10k dps is the lowest i feel it can reasonably go before its hugely harmful to the groups success chance.

And if a dps cannot reach that, i do not trust them to do mechanics either.

I only really care about dps on my tank or healer. If i am on my dps, i can make up for their low dps even if both other dps are doing less than 10k dps.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone doing under 10k dps in infernos. The ilvl requirement for queuing seems to be working just fine.

I have. I’ve seen many players wearing pvp blues in order to up their ilvl doing “terrible” dps. If it’s just one player, but they are at least following mechanics, interrupting, avoiding avoidable damage, etc, it isn’t an issue. A few days ago, I was in a group with a mage and a rogue from the same guild. Both were in pvp blues. Both pulled sub 10k dps. Neither doing mechanics or interrupting. Both got kicked about halfway through. We at least gave them a chance, though. Rarely have I seen players get kicked otherwise unless it is warranted.

I’ve seen a few around 8-9k range but that was like the 2nd or 3rd week after infernos was out. I’m not sure how it is now though with most of the previous raid gear on the vendors