Dungeon Gatekeeping isn't a thing

Notlion just gave you one. There is no special requirement to just clicking invite on a tank, healer, and dps in the LFG tool. You don’t have to lead the group just because you formed it.

That is absolutely true. Great point.

Are you dense? You tell someone to go back to retail, then you post on your LEVEL 60 retail toon. Bruh

i play both

Then don’t tell someone to go back to retail. I’m convinced you’re a troll now

go play retail if you want RDF

Maybe he should say “Come back to retail.”

I amuse myself.


I’ll never not find it funny that the anti-RDF sentiment amounts to “people have to be forced to play the way I want because they won’t choose to do so voluntarily”

If your way is the “correct” way then why are you so afraid of people deciding to do it another way?

RDF was in Wrath so that argument is invalid

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My blacklist of guilds is getting longer.


This is just patently not true. The fact that you typed this shows just a complete lack of understanding surrounding the pvp que, the gearing, and how much you get per win.

It’s still just a poor comeback. I come to Wrath for what I experienced in Wrath. I had RDF in Wrath. The retail dungeon experience is drastically different. Far less dungeons to choose from with chromietime, leveling goes by super fast, and most of these dungeons we enjoy in Wrath are gone or changed.

The dungeon experience with RDF in Wrath >>>>>>>>>> retail


there are no invalid arguments only arguments that make you mad

“Gatekeeping isn’t a thing” while making a thread trying to justify gatekeeping.

This place is really funny sometimes.

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oh no my guild is finished for sure.

My guy… do you even read the things you post…


Maybe I just want a dang break from forming my own groups once and while. What’s so bad about that :’(

Wut? I’ve been leveling with pvp too, it’s not an exaggeration.

I think the pace is fine anyway since battlegrounds can take so long but the option to stay in Orgrimmar and level through instant teleporting is 100000% there with PvP. You can’t deny that, it’s an objective fact.

The argument of “if you dont like RDF just dont use it but let me have it” i think is a bad argument. If RDF was in literally every single person would use it and almost nobody wouldnt. But that doesnt mean its necessarily good. If there was an option for everyone to click a button and get Shadowmourne everyone would click that button but we could probably agree that doesnt mean its good for the game.

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How can ANYONE not understand pressing the PvP button, then queueing? There’s no magical works behind the scenes for that.

What does gearing have to do with queueing in PvP and getting experience?