Dungeon Fixes Ahead of Mythic+

I appreciate how quickly your team has been responding to feedback on Delves, but I wish you’d get a grip on the Dawnbreaker. Every run in that dungeon, some intended function has been broken. Usually it’s the golden lamplighter orbs not spawning, which means you die. I’ve had a few instances on the first boss where the burning shadow debuff didn’t show on my personal UI, but the combat log says I took multiple ticks of it and died. Since the dungeon has been so buggy, I can’t even begin to guess if it’s tuned to a reasonable point.

True, but if you’ve ran it then you get why. Some people just die constantly in that place somehow.

Dawnbreaker - The ships desperately need to be fixed. People falling through them, or them not spawning at all for certain people is still happening somehow.

Also need to clear out some trash for landing zones to start clearing trash before the second boss. Currently you get stuck in these situations where you just fly in circles waiting for your tank to figure out what they want to do, because no matter where you land you’ll pull adds.

Yes, because they don’t have the minimal awareness of what is happening or how to control their character.


We have classes that literally can’t use major CDs/abilities on the last boss because of LoS bugs in Dawnbreaker, and the priority was…a repair anvil?

I think the Blizz devs are literally trolling us at this point.

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the “QA” is there to ensure that players dont use their brains to break the game I guess this also is part of it…

Ive did dawnbreaker several times. Its probably one of the easier dungeons…why do people act like its so horrible lol

“I’ve never personally encountered any issues, so they don’t exist”

My dude, the place is full of gamebreaking bugs, including class-specific bugs. Many of which have been known about for months.

It’s a PITA for so many, which is why it’s been a constant topic of discussion.

It’s whatever in normals and even heroics, but it’s going to be a nightmare in M+.

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Thank you for the response of absolutely no information.

there is just one of the many ones. I have also heard it effects things like rescue and disengage.

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It’s not anyone else’s fault you want to bloviate without, apparently, the ability to read anything first.

Several people in this very thread have mentioned some of the bugs, and if you’ve ever taken two seconds to visit the bug report subforum over the last two months, every day there’s a new post about a bug in that place. There’s even a megathread which attempts to do what you apparently want me to do, which is list every single one for you because you’re lazy and just want to be ignorantly judgemental.

DH, Druid (multiple issues), DK, and Boomy all have major ability bugs in the place. Core game mechanics also bug at times (ships not spawning, etc.).

If only you took half the energy you made to have a snarky response to just say “There is a bug post with all the bugs from the dungeon”

Thank you for finally fixing the main problem with Dawnbreker, Blizz.

“I want to come in here with snarky comments and bloviation and then get mad when others snark back”

Christ I wish some people had better self-awareness lmao

Hey Sinelius - you can break free from the blood by using a stun, knockup, movement freedom ability, or as of this patch, an interupt to break the root after the boss AoE.

As a DH you should be able to stun or interupt the blood now to break free before the other floor swirls go out. Then group and aoe the bloods down.

No lies detected, EXTREMELY underwhelming

No no, you get someone else to interrupt or CC it for you.

what about the issue of falling through the airship in Dawnbreaker? I think thats a little more important than a repair NPC…

You guys chose some of the worst possible dungeons for M+ honestly.

3 of the top 10 worst dungeons in the game are from THIS expansions. Absolutely abysmal dungeon design with the War Within.

Why can’t we just have regular old dungeons where you go in and kill mobs and et loot? I’m so sick of these stupid gimmicks and mini games.

Give use back old UBRS. Steam Vaults, Utgarde Pinnacle, Deadmines type dungeons. These “New” dungeons straight suck in comparison.

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what’s interesting is i don’t remember that being an issue in the first version of beta when they didn’t have wind pushing you as you tried to fly to the side ships. I also remember everyone being very upset and confused when they added wind pushing you. I feel like a great solution would be to just remove the wind.

Some classes were not built to match the last boss timers in Ara-Kara because 2nd Cosmic Singularity and Erupting Web were 0.5 seconds between. That’s why many people die from the overlap of 2nd Cosmic Singularity and Erupting Web. That’s why Blizzard nerfed that boss