Dungeon Fixes Ahead of Mythic+

Also this has happened to me twice now…

I’m a rogue. During the dawnbreaker fight (the first one when you have to fly to each ship…)

I’ll mount up → fly to the next ship, and I always de-mount here by stealthing. I dont know if its a frame perfect glitch or what but twice I have done this; when I stealth and demount I’ll fall through the ships floor and die. Pretty bizarre. But it has happened twice so it could be something to look into.

Also worth noting its happened with the first ship you fly to after that first encounter (so, the second ship technically)

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There is a bug that causes abilities like vengeful retreat to send you unexpected directions while on the dawnbreaker, which is a massive bug for havoc that will make the dungeon miserable for m+

Would had been good to know but no one tried…

between keys (with this line-up) and RWF, delves are off their radar for weeks starting now.

there’s so many other intended mechanics that make mythic plus miserable for havoc, though.

true, but having your backflip suddenly toss you forward or to the left when there are beams and void portals is no fun. It’s almost certainly based on how the ship is moving, but it would be great if DHs don’t have to make/get a Dawnbreaker-specific VR-direction weakaura just to deal with a bug

Fix bm hunter before tomorrow.

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the gist of my message is that it’s never gonna feel good to play havoc in mythic plus.

ok? the gist of my message is fix bugs, make buttons do what they are supposed to do. Especially if it’s a button that is pressed every 20 seconds that sends you flying at high speed.

Kinda funny honestly. Why does there need to be a repair in a dungeon? This isn’t a Raid.

Better idea for Dawnbreaker:
fix the ship randomly not spawning, dying when you hit certain parts of it and light orbs not spawning occasionally.

DK don’t even need to get rooted. Death’s Advance is :kissing: :ok_hand:

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DB is in Mythic+? Oh lawd gonna get some popcorn and watch the forums tomorrow.


It is impossible to kill slime on time for everyone because you need to do 2M DPS in half a second. Priest healers are the only specs that can’t get out of the second root, Mind Control is too slow for that and Fade doesn’t work on root mechanics. Cosmic Singularity and Erupting Web happen very very close, I wouldn’t surprised if they nerf that boss again.

Because you’re gonna need it.


Dawn breaker is going to be the bane of so many players. You’re setting yourselves up for grief by including it in S1. Just so many bugs people have already called out. You have other dungeon options.

lol, yes, can’t wait.

It’s been 2 weeks.

Blizz needs to keep you nerds corralled.
Otherwise you all go to YouTube and WoWhead to be shown what to do, how to do it, where to get it and on what mEtA class to do it on…

What changes are you wanting? Easier content? Dungeons with no CC required? Train all mobs into each dungeon boss? Diablo 4 may be more your style

Nice fixes. Now fix our missing items from our Guild Banks!

You could cc them and they let go…

Yeah DK has a cheat code for so many mechanics… One of the biggest reasons I main one. :grin: