Dungeon Finder Not Working

I am having an issue where dungeons are not showing up under Specific Dungeons in the dungeon finder. I also don’t have the option to run random dungeons through the dungeon finder. Lvl 76 rogue.

Am I missing a quest line or something?

Is it this toon or another.

Your ilvl is high enough and your lvl is too. Are you in a raid?

Try relogging. Sometimes all it takes is that. If that doesn’t work, try resetting the User Interface

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Ilvl is 500. The follower dungeons are still locked too, which makes me think its a quest thing, but can’t find out anymore info.

I do know for all the follower dungeons to unlock, you do need to complete the primary story on at least 1 char. As the progression through it will unlock them.

Many dungeons require you to complete a quest in order for you to unlock them. I believe you have “Calling the Stormriders” in your quest log now.

You should just be able to walk up to Baelgrim and select the dialog option to start the quest.

Someone put together a list of some of those quests in the comments section here.


Thanks for the blue post. That’s the quest I was thinking had me locked out. When I try to queue through Baelgrim I get a response “you do not meet the requirements for chosen dungeon” but doesn’t list what those requirements are.

Edit: I ported to Stormwind, which automatically completed an old quest I had, which seems to have unlocked random dungeons and the follower dungeon.

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Did you note which quest that was? It may help someone who is in this same situation in the future.

Was it: “A New Adventure Awaits”? That seems to be the one recently completed, which may account for the issue since that is the one you get when Chromie time ends.


Only 4 of the 8 dungeons in TTW are available during leveling. The other 4 don’t unlock until level 80.

Complete Wowhead guide:

A New Adventure Awaits was the quest. Hopefully this helps someone!