This thread is more useless than a two legged mule.
It’s the answer to the endless spam of LFG chat
WTS summons
WTS boosts
WTS tank service
Political talk
Im sorry who said this was a problem? No one I’ve talked to in the 2 years I’ve played this game.
You are assuming everyone think this is a problem like you, but you’re wrong, so therefore no, dungeon finder is not the answer too the imagined problem you just made up
I’ll do this one more thyme for you:
This will be addressed by the Group Finder tool, regardless of what version is implemented so is irrelevant.
Until we know what the TBC Group Finder tool looks like, this is just speculation. What’s not speculation, is that the introduction of a spammable auto group finder tool, even one that’s not cross-server, would remove social interaction requirements and significantly change the nature of levelling and gearing from what it was in the original game.
Assuming you also want the teleport function, that also removes any chance of the normally frequent pvp encounters and social interactions that happen at meeting stones.
Just to clarify for you, LFG means looking for group.
People looking for groups have trouble finding groups with a spammed up channel.
Same reason threads asking for level boosts weren’t taken down by Blizz a year ago- because they were considering it.
Remember, just like the boost- if you don’t like it, don’t use it.
This just simply isn’t a thing. Blizzard will add LFD when it’s appropriate - Classic Wrath at the earliest, if not a late phase. They fully understand what the interest in era servers are and forcing things that have a major impact simply isn’t going to make that work.
And as much as you whine, boosts are not major in any way.
If the ability to pay money to skip levelling has no impact- why not remove levelling altogether?
Paying to be 70 would be a problem. Paying for a one-time boost that doesn’t really benefit you as much as you claim to be able to start TBC - though struggle given how bad the gear is - isn’t.
Sorry, but I won’t try and gatekeep players and force them to go through all the content I did in Classic just to play TBC - though if they want to be a Draenei/BE they’ll have to anyway.
If we get the boost at the start of prepatch, and it allows us to get pvp gear- it will be effortless to have ranked pvp armour/weapons on a boosted character- you won’t have all the offset pieces, but you’ll be more than fine for starting in TBC. Keep in mind that gear is around tier two (and of course it wouldn’t be too hard to do some ZG, AQ20 for gear in that time and be far better geared than the average player at the end of Vanilla).
Is that what you think happened to players who started in TBC/WotLK, the two xpacs with the highest growth? That they were ‘gatekept’ from hitting 60?
How exactly were they gatekept, prevented from getting to the xpac content?
And that’s a double standard too- even if you want to say that the lev 1-20 zones are TBC content, which is true- after that it’s just more classic content, why is ‘gatekeeping’ for non belfs/draenei unacceptable but doing it for belfs/draenei after 20 fine? They could easily implement it so they can boost as soon as they’re done their two zones.
And that still doesn’t answer why they wouldn’t just remove levelling- at least to 58- altogether if classic content is so unnecessary. If I want five boosts, the cost of that and five monthly subs on five different accounts is something I can cover in a single shift at a fairly average salary- so while it may deter people on minimum wage this really does nothing to prevent most players from getting as many boosts as they want.
It’s not just ‘one boost’, if someone wants more they can get more, whether they do so with retail gold or cash won’t matter to them.
The gear being bad is tremendously important because people believe bots will all be boosting - even though the gear you get from it will make it difficult for the bot to do more than grind in very obvious ways.
As for launching with the pre-patch, what does that matter? Players could do that now instead of waiting. I’ll be doing so on my Shaman - and farming two R14 axes.
Actually, yes, in some ways. For those players that returned. For new players it didn’t matter, as it was all new, but many players that may return to TBC without having played Classic - or playing it for the first time when it’s current - still have to go through old content they’ve seen.
Also Blizzard decided it was appropriate to offer the boost.
Except for the fact that anti-boosters whine that it’s skipping “TBC” content because 1-58 in vanilla zones isn’t good, even though it’s not TBC content. But 1-20 is, for one, and Blizzard likely predicts many people rerolling specifically for those races and the newly available classes - which is true for me.
Because people might still want to level?
Most players aren’t running multiple accounts.
One boost per account is massively limiting.
Bots tend to have awful gear regardless, mismatched with bad stats- heck, this gear is probably better than what a lot of them wear.
Make up your mind- if you’re going to say that the boost doesn’t matter because they’ll have bad gear, but it’s extremely easy to get excellent gear on a boosted character before TBC- then the point of you saying ‘they do not have good gear’ means nothing.
They will have good gear.
Most of us have seen Vanilla, TBC, WotLK content- regardless, nobody is being gate kept, there’s nobody out there preventing brand new characters from levelling 1-60 in the TBC prepatch or at TBC launch. If anything, due to xp changes and most elites being neutered, as well as better talent trees- it’s actually easier to level 1-58 in TBC classic by a large amount.
It’s skipping the levelling process, a process that was in the game in Vanilla and TBC without a boost. Whether you think boosts are fine or not fine- it is still skipping content that in TBC if you were new you would have to play through.
Could make it optional.
The current classic playerbase is largely more dedicated and hardcore, hence why so many have raided whereas in Vanilla it was something 5% of the playerbase did. On my server one guild killed C’thun and Naxx was downed a few months into TBC.
Far more players than you think are using every advantage possible, and a fairly cheap boost+sub for a couple extra accounts is not a big barrier to many of them.
To those with financial difficulties perhaps, but for anyone who wants a few boosts, they’ll just get them, shame they’ll never show the actual numbers for boosts bought but I’d be willing to bet it’ll end up being well over half of all classic accounts buying it.
And they’ll be buying it because it’s a major advantage, if it truly were something as inconsequential as you’re making it out to be, then it wouldn’t be so popular.
As for gatekeeping- the biggest things gatekept are things like heroic dungeons and raiding in TBC, stuff like dungeon finder/LFR basically eradicates gatekeeping, so if you truly have such a big issue with gatekeeping- shouldn’t you be all for dungeon finder?
Other players can do nothing to ‘gatekeep’ and prevent you from levelling 1-58, but other players absolutely can gatekeep raid groups and not let you into one. Seems like LFR is the best solution.
Why are you so angry? Talk about being toxic and it’s just a game. Retail is awesome by the way and idk if anyone told you but SL broke records at launch.
I don’t have a issue with them adding dungeon finder. But they wont, doubt it.
Reason being it was not part of original TBC, after all we never got it in Classic.
Classic didnt get anything because of the toxic playerbase. Nochanges failed and theyre not doing that with tbcc so they may implement some good qol changes
As long as the pvp stays the way it was … and no Xrealms etc. im happy.
Pretty sure xrealm is already in classic pvp
Just BGs and Battlegroups , not world server.
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