Dungeon Finder and Raid Finder

This a new take on the world make it a new take on Dungeons and Raids give the people the abilty to auto queue off the bat
Make the Seasons EPIC


No. Keep that trash in retail.
Just join a guild or a pug.
No one wants to be paired with undergeared leechers literally the equivalent of BGs in pve.


Dungeons / raid finder already in SoD. no one uses it.

I love SoD. It’s the only game I play.

If they ever add Dungeon/Raid finder, I’d quit immediately :slightly_smiling_face:

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Dungeon/raid finder is in the game in SoD. It won’t port you to your instance and it won’t add you to a group/raid, but it’s in the game.

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as long as it doesn’t teleport you to the dungeon and raid.

LFR: The OG version of the raid, re-itemized gear, OG drop amount w/ Personal Loot (have fun getting mostly coin), no recipes, no legendaries

Mainly for alts or those of us not really looking to spend 2hrs ‘in one go’ on an instance. - I played the McDonald’s large fries outta Legion’s LFR, usually one or two wings a day.

LFD: At the very least they need to make it so their LFG Tool has an API that LFG Addons like Bulletin Board can look at to generate an entry…it sucks needing to have both UI elements up to see everyone looking to run a dungeon.

I’d also like to see a ‘Call to Arms’ that awards a satchel of goodies; maybe one of those Undermine Crates. To incentivize people to run the dungeons even after they are BiS; Reals aren’t enough, not for the time invested vs how much you can make flipping on the AH.

*I’d also say to add a consumable “token” (could be craftable by Enchanters; BoE!) that lets you activate those useless Meeting Stones to start summoning people; only need one person with a token. - I’ve been in so many groups that fell apart because people took too long to get to the instance.

What’s in the game now is only a simple little UI similar to bulletin board.

It doesn’t automatically build groups, it doesn’t magically port people around, it doesn’t give a time estimate, there’s no silly extra reward for signing up with it, it doesn’t assign a leader, it doesn’t set a loot system, it does literally nothing. People have to whisper me and tell me what spec they are etc., just the same as anyone responding to a /4 advertisement.

The dungeon/raid finder that is unacceptable (to me) is the one that operates like a BG. They had made practically all of the games group content anti-social when it was introduced and I want it to stay away from SoD.


please bring dungeon finder to SOD with teleport and I will resub all winter.


Yea it saves alot of time, spending an hour making a group for sratholme and another hour running the dungeon. Literally 2 hours to run 1 dungeon. Last night i ran a brd and it took freaking 4 hours to complete cause the tank was new to the game and dps kept trolling him.
Classic gate keepers are gross, some of us have jobs and dont have an hour to dedicate to just making a deadmines group. Time is precious and id rather not spend it spamming /4 for a healer and dps.

What does it matter if you get paired with undergeared leeches in sod, every dungeon and raid just falls over anyway.

Why, exactly, do you think the game should cater to anyone’s individual outside of game situation?

You should learn how to prioritize your time while accounting for your wishes and constraints, just like everyone else in the world.

Also, maybe you could have helped the tank?

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Furthermore, original WoW was constantly growing in popularity without all of that nonsense (RDF). The game actually started seeing declining numbers with the introduction of RDF and LFR.

Back in the day, raid loot wasn’t nearly as common as it is today. Today, I’d say at least 50% of the playerbase is competing in group based end game content. Back in 2005-2007 when I played, when you saw a guy in a full set of T2 and Ash’Kandi, your mouth dropped open. That was an accomplishment back then reserved for a percentage of the playerbase. I liked that better than the try hard meta age of gaming nowadays.

I tried to help him but he was speaking in riddles the whole time ignoring advice. Was quite strange honestly. Probably drunk or something.
Why should the game cater to only unemployed people with vast amounts of freetime? Running a dungeon shouldnt take 2 hours of time minimum to form and complete.

Time is a resource. It’s not particularly complicated why someone with more free time should have an advantage. A term you should try to understand is “managed expectations”. Just like if someone only makes $35k a year at their job, they can’t expect to be able to go on vacations every month, someone who works can’t expect to have the same commitment to a game genre that is, at its core, a virtual world.

So turning on the summon stones at dungeon entrances and having an automatic dungeon group maker is too much to ask for?

There is a dungeon group maker in the game already. Summoning stones at dungeons saves approximately 15 minutes max.

While, yes, I think that’s too much to ask for, my response wasn’t about that. It’s about addressing why you’re asking for this.

Im new to sod but from what I can tell at lvl 51 lvling mostly thru dungeons. Hardly anyone uses the lfg tool. On Anniversary everyone uses it. 15 minutes is still time saved. People speed on the interstate everyday to save less time than that.

Is… that supposed to justify anything?

Time is money, you don’t understand that but thats okay. Enjoy your pixels. I already did on era when I was unemployed. It wasn’t worth it.