Dungeon Finder and Raid Finder

Dungeons and raids are already popping off, MC groups are often going and will take fresh 60’s. Harder raids will require a modicum of gear and brains to do.

That’s premade group finder.

Dungeon/Raid Finder is RDF and LFR where you get teleported into the dungeon or the LFR difficulty raid.

I forgot that your money is more important than everyone else’s safety.

This, however, does succinctly get to the crux of the issue. Main character syndrome, thinking your time is more valuable than someone else’s.

Okay doctor anything else?

id rather listen to rick astley never gonna give you up on repeat 24h straight than run a dungeon with PuGs when i can blast through it with my guildies just running and pulling everything and having to waste no time cause everyone knows what theyre doing and what theyre there for, quick coins or quick boss kills, on top of that we run multiple dungeons in a scenario like that. Soo downtime is minimal.

Theres no incentive to waste time in a dungeon, specially when you need to drag your behind there through half the world to get there. Then to end up with a bad healer or bad tank or bad dps after waiting for everyone to get there.

Dungeon finder is trash cause it will just make everyone AFK in cities and kill openworld.
Dungeon stones working would be nice though, and some extra spells to get around the world faster to far away parts.

Theres literally zero value in wasting time traveling on flightpaths that are slow to “feel how big the world is” everyone knows its massive thats why they hate traveling

ps. The pug expierience is universally bad thats why people avoid it, before you accuse me of elitism and some safespace bubble playstyle

Nah agree completely, most of us have been playing for over a decade at this point. I dont need to fly across the continent with the bird taking me thru the scenic route. Just to get to razorfen downs, finally get there after already spending 45 minutes to fill the group. Then you see the tank or dps havent even left stormwind yet. Wait another 20 minutes for them to realize we dont have a warlock to summon them. Then another hour to run the dungeon. And pugs never talk until something bad happens like a wipe or someone dcs. All i typically get is a GG at the end and everyone justs hearths back to SW for wbuffs or to log.