Dungeon Difficulty: Poll


Dungeon difficulty is too easy on classic, always was, especially nowadays with increased skill and knowledge. Everquest was insanely hard back in the day, nuts hard, when they released classic servers it was still 10x harder than WoW dungeons but much easier than it use to be because we all knew exactly how to do it.


What you remember is irrelevant. We have video of all of the dungeons from back then and we are able to verify the damage is correct.


And we have even more elsewhere.

So… No changes is my choice.

No changes ever. Not “No changes except this…”

No… No changes.


The numbers are being compared to Blizzard’s 1.12 reference client. If you don’t believe they’re accurate, then there’s really nothing else to be said.


So sayeth the wise alando. But how do we know they are actually telling the truth gasp

that isn’t the purpose here though tarn. I believe it is accurate but he just wants to know if we should increase difficulty regardless of what it was. What do you think?

You have economics and psychology here:

  1. Increase dungeon drops and make consumables last longer, then increase dungeon difficulty.
  2. You leave it as it is.

People don’t want to see Classic changed much at this point.
If it were to change, you’d have to change other elements of the game to suit the kind of changes you’re talking about.

Are polls even allowed on these forums?

I am not as committed to #nochanges as some (blizz new models plox) but if it affects the actual gameplay and systems, then it should be as identical to vanilla as possible. So no, the difficulty should stay the same.


That’s what I’m getting at, if there is possibly an error in the code for the dungeon difficulty (the way the beta is coded now,) it should remain as it was back then, unchanged. not modified. and to me it sure as hell seemed quite a bit more difficult back in original retail than what I’m seeing now.

Nice way to try and control the voting by letting your bias in the choices.


:rofl: i was responding to people but i’m not trying to control anyone’s vote. everyone can vote to have it remain the same difficulty as it is in the beta now if theyd like.

That may be the case but if you wanted to have more accurate voting it would be

“Current Dungeon Difficulty”


I’m guessing the dungeons will be a bit easier than they were back in the day. The first time I ran Sunken Temple on my first toon was a nightmare. I don’t think it will be as tough this time, but not because the game is any easier.

We would crowd control, but I know my toon was not geared properly, I was not using cooldowns properly, not doing much of anything properly. We eventually learned well enough to clear part of AQ, but I was never cutting edge.

Keep it the same.


For people who haven’t played original retail though, that might cater to people who are accustomed to breezing through everything

I got that feeling in wrath :stuck_out_tongue:
In the end though. I would still say to try current content before saying it should be easier. Harder, well i could alway go for that. Though not TBC heroics at Launch where everything had sweeping strikes and Melee was usless.

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right of course it won’t be “as” tough this time, but there should still remain some level of difficulty so it’s not like a 3 year old can pick it up and run through it with no problems

People are way more familiar and experienced with MMOs than they were 15 years ago.

Many have played WoW all this time and are extremely familiar with the dungeons, the monsters, and the classes they play.

We are also just seeing up to level 30 content (not counting the highly coordinated skull dungeons the streamers are running).

I assume difficulty will get more engaging when the characters get closer to cap.

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Keep it as it is.

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I still remember my very first dungeon in WoW way back in vanilla. Myself and some fellow guild members went to blackfathom depths. We were all noobs and we cleared the whole thing without dying.

The early instances were never supposed to be hard.

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Man, you need to learn not to load your questions if you do polling for a living.


I hope it’s challenging. I don’t want to change it from the way it was though. If it is easier I will still play it and have fun. I won’t be freaked out about it.

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No changes. You guys should just stick to retail. Isn’t a new patch coming out for it?