Dungeon Difficulty Changes S4

Is it just me, or is this change just too much? I really have zero want to farm heroic just to do a +2 at this point in the xpac. As a dps it’s already an 8-10+minute que. The difficulty jump is just too much.

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You’re not really supposed to go straight from Heroics to M+ anymore since they buffed M0.


One of my two characters this season is a pure DPS who started with season 3 LFR gear, and I haven’t had any trouble at all really. I just went from Timewalking (3-5 minute queues) and world content directly into M0, and then M0 into M+.

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You’re right. And farming heroics to gear up for M0 at the end of an expansion is really bad. It’s not enjoyable. This season is tuned for people who ended last season maxed out. If you want to play a newer alt it’s almost impossible. I started out this season around 428 on an alt with no tier. Even at 472 I still have no tier and my damage is ok, but trash compared to a 472 with 4 set or even 2 set from last season. At least in the old scaling I would be able to hop into a 2 and do M+. Heroics are not something I personally want to farm.

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Nope. I like it. Actually makes going up a level meaningful.

Before you could do a 10 or a 15 and not feel a difference. Now you can feel the difference between heroic and m0 and m0 and m2

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Not at all. Between world events, WQs and M0s, theres plenty of ways to play ans gear up.

The names are arbitrary. Placeholders. The only thing you care about are the rewards. Which with the old scaling…Would be heroic

This is a fact! took a hunter from 460ish… to 480 from simply doing weekly quests and TW raid / world boss. Very easy to get gear and go straight into M0 or M2 if you know what you’re doing.


Need to do this with my Balance Druid. At 458 hes getting one shot by a few boss mechanics in 2s with Tyr week lol

This is just blizzard once again, doing one of their cardinal sins they love to commit.

Blizzard LOVES to change things, for no good reason other then for changes sake.
There was absolutely zero reasonable excuse to change the difficulty scaling of M+ from what it had been to what it is now.
The only thing they can muster is “We did not want to make heroic dungeons pointless” which is stupid beyond reason because normal dungeon is just as pointless and no one complained about heroics being pointless.

Blizzard just wanted to change things to change things and low and behold, like every thing blizzard does when it comes to squishes, its awful.


Iv said this before, they pretty much killed it for casual players, im not sure what was the point for this change, no casuals that where doing 5-8 keys are gonna do M0s or even 2s… they want more people do play the game and do content this is gonna keep people from doing content




I mean, except for all the people constantly asking for difficult dungeons without timers.


I’m getting Solo Shuffle deja vu vibes with all of these changes, meaning Blizzard meant well… but in the end, was poorly executed and ends up actually damaging participation.

M0 being once a week slows things down, and I feel like the average player isn’t going to know to do world bosses, hunts, etc for the cache. Also, those gearing options are time gated with RNG attached to them.

I think the Heroic and M0 levels are both okay, what they missed is a Heroic+ similar to how they implemented WOTLK classic where you had heroic, then heroic alpha, beta, and gamma. buffing heroic difficulty to M0 of last season I think was good. But then there should’ve been a heroic+ difficulty thats around a season 3 +5 key and queueable, and then the M0 difficulty to work up to form there. I think they missed the mark by taking out a much needed step for more casual players or even some alts that aren’t played as much.

There is an increase to people getting one shot, ilvl 490+ does not matter. They are a bit heaviliy tuned, but within the next 3-4 weeks tuning goes out and they become easier. Watched a key where 2900 io players got wrecked in a +0 at 487.


Depends your gear. Ilvl 486 hunter I time a bunch of +6 no issue but it wasn’t a cake walk

Eh, I was happier just going straight into M+. Heroic and M0 don’t really feel like progression/endgame the same way raids or m+ does. But it’s also just fine. I’ll probably skip M+ until the season progresses a bit and I have raid gear. M+ is all side-grade gear anyways and that way I don’t have to deal with toxic players or leavers.

Except this was very specific response to a direct request by the players


Nah people have to use their Def CD at the right time, use HP pots and learn mechanics is not like last season there +15 I don’t even need to die Def CD as a DPS and tank at all coz mob doesn’t hurt unless I her hit a few times

nah Blizzard did fix the curve of progression. If YOU are lazy it’s not their problem. neither it’s mine. it feels alot better to gear now