Dungeon design

Is it possible we have asked for too much out of our dungeons? I was running the one with the candle mechanic while fighting The Darkness (I apologize I haven’t learned all the dungeon names yet.) as a healer and as I was moving the candle I was berated by someone in the group and called names. It happens, it shouldn’t but it does and I understand that. But just like them, I was having a rough day already as I was working injured. This person’s comment upset me so I picked up the candle and bolted. Obviously I was kicked rather quick, but it left me with a thought, have we asked for harder dungeons for so long we are finally getting them, even though people refuse to learn mechanics or how to use their utility spells.

I wasn’t doing anything out of the normal the first time I picked up that candle, moving it to try to keep the flame lit. But was still yelled at for working the mechanics. And this dungeon is going to be on the myth cycle eventually. I’m sure top guilds are coming up with the strat needed to make it easier, but, am I the only one perturbed by this specific mechanic in this specific dungeon? Or any others so far this Expac?

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It’s a brand new expansion. This is the time when it’s more than ok to not know the mechanics yet.

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Annoyance isn’t really a good way to implement difficulty though, and that’s what those candle sections are: annoying.

I have also posted before how that’s the worst part of any dungeon in WoW, comparable to that gauntlet boss fight in Halls of Stone.


Its annoying because its different and you aren’t used to it yet. That’s what difference is: Annoying. Risk of failure. Interruption of the current flow. Doing things differently.

People say they want different things, but when they introduce a dungeon where you fly from air ship to air ship, people freak out. Failure is a real possibility. Looking foolish is real again. Wasted time.

Most people don’t want what’s new or difficulty really. They want the ILLUSION of difficulty that they overcome easily and feel awesome doing so. Or as I like to call it, “The stupidity of easy and unearned status”. :smiley:

But not listening when the group is telling you how to work the mechanic and you shouldn’t be running heroics if you don’t know the mechanics anyway. That’s what normals are for. Like you should jump into M+ without running everything on M0 first unless you have the best guild that can talk you through everything as it happens.

So you grabbed the candle, started running around, got yelled at, and then killed the group

Neither of you are the good guy in this story

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Myabe im wrong but i have figured out (i think) that its best for me as a healer to run around getting light for the candle while they work on getting the boss down

All the new level 80 dungeons feels meh or outright terrible all have a gimmick of sort makes it feel not like a dungeons at all but rather a quest needed to be completed by a group of pugs. Is terrible and I thought some of the previous dungeons from past expansions was bad.

next time just leave or attempted to kick but don’t forget to report him pls. the tick for tack thing doesn’t do anything.

imo just seems u had one jerk in the group.
so just brush it and move on w/o stoopin to their lvl.

Anyone yelling at you for mechanics in heroics or less is a loser lol

I mean, I personally think yelling at people over mechanics in general is pretty stupid, but that is exacerbated in heroics where mechanics are basically optional.

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You pick up the candle on the darkness to move it out of one of his attacks, lol at least that is what I have been doing the whole time. There problem solved. Nobody should be kicked in normal or heroic for not knowing mechanics, people just need to get used to them, none of them are hard to understand once you figure it out.

Id happily take you in my groups. It sucks having to fight that boss for 5 minuted while constantly repeating the mechanics and watching the group ignore it and zugzug at 1% efficiency

As a tank i grab it and run to a candle and drop it so the DPS naturally run over the candle and relight it…easier to make them do the mechanics myself than expect them to do it themselves lol


Nah bro.
Not knowing what actions actually push the cart and how much, the candle’s effective range, being dragged into the darkness at the end of a cast etc.

None of that makes the fights considerably more difficult, they just annoy the players, specially ranged that have to cast.

Add in oceanic latency when you get a leader from there and the already annoying 400ms latency becomes that much worse.

If they didnt try new stuff, you’d be complaining that it’s just the “same old same old”

ahah! good one. i wouldve laughed.

Or next time dont touch the candle , i dont know does healers usually do it ?

I honestly hate Darkness as a hard mechanic. And i don’t mean it in terms of difficulty, i mean in terms of “You can’t do anything unless you have a light because the darkness actually prevents you”. Hard as in very restrictive in control you’re allowed if you do not follow EXACTLY what the mechanics say.

I would rather it be a soft mechanic, where it’s still there but it doesn’t outright prevent you from doing ANYTHING. It would just be dark and would incentivizes (not require) you to find some sort of light source. But doesn’t outright stop you from just running in the dark.

Depends on the group. In randoms, it’s whoever decides to do it really. Pretty sure one of the top guilds has found the most effecient way to do it by now and it will eventually spread and become the correct way.

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I agree, but wonder if human eyes ever see that report.