Dungeon design

If somebody doesn’t know a mechanic. Tell them how to do it. People always don’t have time to take a course in TWW, so they know everything before they play. It’s also up to the person who doesn’t know to let the group know if they mess something up. Just say “sorry, haven’t been here before”.

I’m convinced 99% of kicks are from lack of communication. I was in the Dawnbreaker dungeon this afternoon, and the boat to jump on was not there for me. It was glitching out. I openly told the group, and they all tried to help me figure it out. The solution was to logout and in again. Had I said nothing, they may have thought I was messing around. If you’re new, just say when you first start the dungeon, “first time here”, that will almost always absolve you from a kick as long as you don’t die like a dozen times.

I just wish that any of the toy torches that I own would work with this mechanic.

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You’re right, but, I get the feeling these days that the person speaking up would get told to learn in a follower dungeon and then kicked from the group. Toxicity reins supreme, unfortunately.

Nah dude. The forums, and in-game is a different crowd. They’re not going to sit there and explain everything. They may explain a big mechanic, but they will be a heck of a lot more forgiving.

I wouldn’t consider that speaking out anyway. It’s just communicating. Nobody has to even respond, but maybe best to do it in a chat bubble, so people can see.

“tit for tat”

This is one of the funnier malaprops I’ve seen.

True the #'s here and there are different, but people here are doing allot of describing of what’s going on there to ignore completely.

Having said that, I hope you are right.

Whats annoying is you have some mobs that are immune to knockbacks, but not stuns, some that are immune to stuns but not knockbacks, some that are immune to movement slowing abilities, and there is no indicator on which are immune to what. The only real way you can learn is by doing the dungeon over and over again.

P.S. This isn’t really related 100% to what the OP is talking about but I still think its relevant.

Aside from obvious design problems (almost every dungeon has a mini game) something is off with damage of all the floor effects.

they are invisible with mobs on them and hit WAY too hard when you’re leveling.

the new ‘bad’ consecration should have a red ring around it. in its effect zone. especially if its gonna hit for a third of your health. I had a bad tank chain pull the meadery to the door and the mobs effectively corpse camped us with it.

Because of the damage on the floor chewing us up. We couldn’t even get to the boss. who was literally right there.

So I sat 10 mins in que, to get killed for 10 minutes, then had to leave group without getting anything and take a 30 minute deserter Debuff.

Thats enough wow for today.

i can very well be reported for saying the first part so i had to use something else lol some ppl be like that so you know

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Have we asked too much of our dungeons? No, people just need to start expressing some manner of critical thinking. The candle dungeon does a good job of teaching you the main gimmick for the last boss if you pay attention to the entire second half of the dungeon. It’s about time we started getting dungeons that start thinking outside the box of “red bar kill it dead”

Super based, I remember back in wotlk some dps said I was pulling to slow so I pulled half the dungeon then left the group. Always take the petty route of revenge.

It does make it more difficult. You just dont want to look like it affects you so you replace hard with annoying.

Its really that simple

People always claim the game doesn’t teach you things, but all trash (in both raids and dungeons) give you mini versions of boss mechanics. But no one actually wants to pay attention

Which is why I specified “considerably”.
There is a way to include difficulty that is not merely annoyance.

You could have the exact range for the candle show up or make the cart move only on clicking instead of proximity.

It’d be the exact same thing but a lot more manageable now.

There is. YOU just personally dont like it so you consider it an annoyance. Your “solutions” would be more annoying to me

It sounds like you didn’t understand the candle mechanic during the mine cart section. I think once someone points it out, it may help you in the future when learning all sorts of mechanics.

So, I picked up 3 ideas from the mine cart section:

  • It’s there to teach you that you need to remain inside the light to be effective.
  • It also teaches you that the candle will go out over time.
  • The enemies that channel against the mine cart are there to teach you that you also need to protect the candle.

You should apply this to the boss fight “The Darkness”.

  • Stand inside the candle’s light for healing and DPS reasons.
  • You need to refuel the candle. (someone will need to run into the dark and grab candles, usually the healer.)
  • You need to protect the candle (don’t let the boss attacks or small adds hit it.)

In game design, this is called a “contract.” The designer is telling you what to do now (mine cart), and wants you to execute/perform the same task later (boss fight).

This is going to sound weird, but you actually had the right idea, you just did it wrong. Don’t fiddle with the candle unless it actually needs to be protected. And as a healer, you can just run out and grab the small candles to refuel the big candle so the DPS can pump damage into the boss.

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Sorry you got hurt at work. That does make for a terrible day.

Don’t worry about what happened.

You are doing the mechanics and doing your best to help out and that will come in handy when mythics come about. Eventually others will learn or will they won’t and they won’t complete harder content either.

It’s a part of what makes low level mythics so difficult since they squished the mythic levels to 10. People are too used to blasting through things that they just don’t bother learning or fail to understand it yet.

It will get easier!

And I hope you feel better.

The part you highlighted was about the last boss encounter where you move the candle from its frontal.

Possibly they moved it too far from the group to refuel it? Not sure what happened.

In the past runs I’ve done nobody moves it unless the boss is trying to blast it. It will stay on the ground and people will gather the candles to run it to them. Almost seems like the tank should be holding the candle and others can bring candles to refuel it to the tank.

You cannot do combat actions while holding the candle. As a healer, I usually just sit on the tank and grab the candle during the frontal and the circle mechanic (given I don’t get it). Then I drop it a wee bit behind the boss.

As always, if it’s a DPS loss, it’s a healer mechanic. :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Ah okay! Thanks

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