I guess no shadowmeld skips for pride .
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Most of these M+ changes feel like they’re targeted at things people whine about, rather than being the targets of the overall most out of tune stuff.
The SD changes were good though. I also wonder if this means skipping the necro pack before Amarth in NW isn’t worthwhile anymore, since the Frostbolt Volleys should be much more manageable with both reduced damage and increased cast time.
I’d be hard pressed to find a single spec that is still exactly same from even 5 years ago.
Buffs/nerfs for a popular PvE feature in the game absolutely makes sense.
Fix mistweavers.
I mean, cool. But M+ is kinda meaningless to run without substantial changes to gear drops. You still have leavers in every other pug group, and there’s nothing that punishes them for ruining a key?
This is fabulous, could you please nerf Mythic Legion raids too?
Unnnnfff goood I’m tingling just knowing I got KSM before this nerf. Meaning I am a good player and everyone who gets it after the nerf can never size up
you rly think M+ is a popular esport lol it barely peaks at 20k viewers on twitch
“People cant interupt a cast on one target? Welp, nerf it.”
What? You stop trying to have three classes dominate m+ in the name of such an outdated game mode that is raiding.
No, m+ is a completely failed esport that blizzard continues to balance classes around in hopes that it will become popular again. I’m asking that they stop doing this and instead balance the game and specs around FUN
when have they EVER balanced classes in the name of M+? The last time they did was at the beginning of s3 of BFA and they only nerfed rogue’s blade flurry. what a terrible perspective of WoW.
A lot of bosses have immunity to our immunities. Like Shadow Assassins in CN. They are like the furniture in CN. They don’t exist. You can’t flare, stun, anything them. They are a fully immune phantom apparition that makes any ability you have useless. This is considered difficulty by making our Blizzard given abilities have no purpose?
No that was not a nerf bat.
That was the great nerf Mjolinerf
Especially the Necrotic Wake. Poor Amarth.
Some one went up to him and went
In this thread (so far): Elitists who care more about their own ability to play than about those who aren’t as geared as they are enjoying the game.
I don’t know why I’m as surprised as I am.
I didn’t think it was ever popular.
That’s all good I suppose, but perhaps add more loot so these things feel more rewarding?
35 anima is kind of insulting.