Dumbest reason you have been kicked from a group?

I got kicked from a lfr for low dps, I was on a resto Druid as heals.


In Cata, I made my first Horde. It was a mage Goblin (still have him today). Well, in a heroic dungeon, I typed, “Hero,” instead of, “Lust,” and was votekicked, after a verbal lashing.


Does “no apparent reason at all” count? Coz I’m pretty sure that was dumb.


I think at the end of legion, I was running a normal dungeon for an artifact appearance. Got kicked for pulling too much DPS. I think they thought I was a mob hog or something.

Me: Fighting mobs on the beach during an IE.
DK: What are you doing over there?
Me: I’m stuck behind a wall of mobs cus you both took off and left me.

You have been removed from the group.

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One time of a skinner character, I asked if people could loot the mobs so I could skin, I got removed instantly.


I was doing dungeons with a disc priest friend of mine. We were around level 36ish. He was kicked for dpsing when that’s how disc heals. I just lol’d for a bit


Once I got kicked from an LFR for doing too much damage as a tank

I guess I hurt someones ego…


Haven’t been kicked very many times. Only one really sticks with me:

Got kicked for not rezzing the rest of the party… on my mage.

(Invis FTW)


It is funny when you get put onto an OCE instance server and NA players kick you, thinking it will suddenly put them onto an US instance server. (it doesn’t, hahahahhha)


Normal Deadmines group (so lvl 15 - whatever) during early Mists leveling an alt which was lvl 15. When we killed the first boss I got a stern warning that “My DPS was garbage” and if I wasn’t matching the complainer’s numbers (they were lvl 20 decked out) they would boot me. They gave me a second warning on the trash in between bosses and then finally second boss I was booted after a rant about how crappy I was. They obviously used language that would be heavily censored on the forums that I can’t repeat.

Another time I was on my Frost DK leveling her through Cata dungeons and was in the Tides dungeon. We lost our tank then was told (not asked) to go switch to Blood and tank the rest. I told them I wasn’t talented for it, didn’t have any tanking gear, had no real experience with tanking (at the time), etc. They threw out a bunch of cussing, told me I was garbage if I wasn’t playing a DK to be a tank, and gave me an alpha male warning of basically “do this or else”. I still refused to tank and told them just to wait for a tank and I was promptly kicked.


I was in a Throne raid group and my guildie was top DPS and this other guild in the run wasn’t having it. They prompted kicked him (they had 7-8 buddies together which made it easy) and then one by one started kicking out the rest of us.

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I dared suggest we do the wq mob in a heroic underrot after the final boss as I had just zoned into a near completed instance and the wq was at the start of the instance.

The tank got really mad when he whispered me after and I just said it was funny and I didn’t give a monkeys as I could que again.

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People who complain about dps numbers in leveling dungeons deserve a special place in the shadowlands if you ask me.


Yep you can get kicked on Horde for saying “hero” – I’ll seen it happen several times. However I don’t think I’ve seen the reverse of being on Alliance saying “lust”.

You mean you didn’t roll off on the herb node?

Obviously they reported you to your Guildmaster after kicking you for breaking server community rules “that have been in place since Vanilla”.

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“You wear plate, that makes you TANK!!!”


Basically, their hostile reasoning was that I was on a Death Knight and after making it clear that only people of a specific sexual orientation would make a DK to DPS (among other things) was about the time he kicked me.


At the time when Mists was current and the Throne of Thunder raid hit, I was in an LFR raid and one particular hunter had the spirit bear pet, me being silly as I can even before we started told folks that Blizzard implemented a patch to where if you lick the spirit pets you get a damage/stamina buff. I really didn’t expect folks to believe me and low and behold bout the whole dang raid was /lick this hunter guys bear pet. I died laughing and got kicked took me a solid hour to get into the raid to. They all a bunch of bear lickers


It was interesting doing WoD as a gladiator warrior, cause most people thought that I was a tank because I was in prot spec. I can understand the confusion, but I am specced into glad stance, am in glad stance and queued as a dps… I was forced to use the dps legendary ring in glad stance and yet people still thought I was a noob for dpsing in a tank spec…

I miss glad stance. Got Endless 30 dps proving grounds as gladiator. I love to challenge myself.