Dumbest reason you have been kicked from a group?

Was doing H TD on an alt and we all mount up and make our way to the first boss but the healer lags behind. The tank either didn’t notice or didn’t care and pulled the boss when the healer was sitting at the entrance, so we wipe and the tank goes mental on the healer, starts calling him all sorts of names, finally I get tired and say “you could’ve asked if everyone was ready or looked at your minimap before charging in”

A few seconds later, I’m back at The great zeal. One of the dudes in the instance told me later that the tank initiated a vote kick on me with the message “dumb tank” and everyone just took the bait and got me kicked.


I got kicked (on an alt) after telling the group it was my first time tanking (dungeon was deadmines.) Apparently they didn’t wanna deal with a new tank.

…How else are you supposed to get experience, especially when nobody else in your guild is leveling alts?


Playing a windwalker monk… tank wasn’t holding aggro so I was taking some extra damage. Decided to heal myself from time to time without sayihng a word to anyone.

Healer took offence, spat on me when I did that and then got booted cuz I guess they were all friends.

btw … I was still top DPS even with throwing out the odd heal to myself.


Him: “Do you speak English?”

Me: “Yes.”

You have been removed from the group.


Simply because I was from Area 52.

This happened to me during the end of Cataclysm. It was the instance, HoT( Hour of Twilight), we were buffing up when suddenly the tank said and I quote “I refuse to tank for someone from Area 52. Kick now.” They all voted and kicked me!


I got kicked from LFR SoO one time with no warning whatsoever, turns out there was a guild just kicking people for fun.


Taunting and taking aggro while on my Rogue. :exploding_head:



Never have been kicked on any of my toons. Worst I ever had was after doing a run on a low level warlock the group wouldn’t let me requeue with them because they were melee twinks and was just no way a caster at low lvl could keep up with them. They did let me finish the dungeon and were not mean about it. Didn’t really care but yea thats the only thing involving a kick I have ever experienced.

I think alot of it is attitude. I have all classes at 110 with a few at 120 so I have tanked, healed, dps plenty especially while leveling. I see dps pulling before I can get to them as tank, I see dps die to standing in stuff on heals. I just keep quiet do the best I can and move on. If I make a mistake I usually say something along the lines of “Sorry” or “Ops forgot about that”, etc.


I got kicked from a Violet Hold group during Legion for not being Brazilian…


Joins a random pug that had already started

Me: Hello!

Nasty Blood Elf: Hey, you, can you please stop pulling everything? (rephrased it to make it sound something a normal person would say instead)

Me: What? I just joined

You have been removed from the group


guess it was opposite day


I guess this won’t be the dumbest reason, but the saddest one.

I still remember that Stratholme run. I joined the run in the middle as a dps, and by the look of the group, it seemed that morale was low. They had possibly wiped on trash multiple times, with dps and heals filtering in and out. The tank was the same though, a draenai paladin standing in front and readying to pull the next pack.

The instance chat was…dismal to say the least.

Over the last 3 years of me playing wow, I have met a lot of people with depression issues, or coping with mental health problems. From what I remember, this draenai paladin dude was just completely inconsolable…in between pulls he’d just talk about how pointless his life was and how he wanted to end everything. It all sounded like he was holding on to the last thread, almost at the point of letting it go and wow was somehow keeping him there.

The vote kick came up. I declined; I didn’t want to push the player over. I felt bad for him, but understood the dps just wanted to go ahead and finish the run and not listen to depressing stuff.

The vote kicked passed with 3 votes, and I never saw that draenai paladin again. His life was stuck in the middle of a Stratholme run, with crimson skies angrily staring down and monsters all around, in the ruin of a city somebody once called home.


For telling a pug how to do Opulence correctly. Had priests life gripping players out of the group when they had coin shower. Where to go during liquid just overall how to do the fight correctly. Call them out on it and their stupidity and somehow I am the bad guy.


I too was on an alt. Ragefire chasm. I was the healer. A warlock was dpsing with a dagger (yes, you read that right) and took a hit. His health didn’t budge but he started screaming at me to heal him.

I told him to back off the mobs and dps from range. He caps lock yelled at the group “THE HEALER SUX! KICK THIS PIECE OF…”. You get the idea. Next thing I know, I am back in Orgimmar staring at the Auctioneer.

It was such a weird situation that I couldn’t even be upset about it.


Standing before trash for Goroth, back 'n forth with raid leader in a pug between lead and someone. I was patiently waiting to start. Someone pulls trash and I was removed from group.


Tank and healer were being very toxic to the group, and they were guildies with another DPS so we couldnt vote them out. Decided to go out with style. Misdirected onto the healer and barrage pulled everything up to the last boss during a mythic dungeon back in WoD.

Kicked out. So. So worth it.


I once took an herb without asking.


You monster.


I got kicked for being a squishy Tank.

I have been playing a Worgen Frost DK since Cataclysm and I wasn’t even the tank that run. I didn’t misqueue. The actual Tank apparently told everyone I was the Tank and made them waste the kick. He then proceeded to suck again and pull everything to prevent another kick. I know this because the Healer was from MG and sent me an apology letter.


I was one of 6 or so hunters in an Antorus LFR. One decides to pop lust on trash mobs.

“Who did that? Just kick all hunters!”

I’ve had the LustDetector addon ever since…