Dumbest reason you have been kicked from a group?

I wasn’t kicked for it but in a transmog pug for Throne I told everybody the “kiss the snail, get a free pet” story and somebody did it and then raged at me in a mixture of English and Spanish.

Was the only herbalist in the group :joy:


Kicked during a TW cata run on my monk here. I hadn’t played my monk in months then and was really unfamiliar with mistweaver healing and the first few trash pulls were really rough and the group got totally wrecked. We try again and they get wrecked. All my binds were in the wrong place, talents were a mess, etc.The tank yells at me and initiates a vote kick, I warn him not to kick me because I’m Ion’s kid, but one of the party members calls my bluff and says Ion can’t have any kids because he doesn’t have a soul. I get kicked.


But you’re still supposed to follow protocol because somebody might want to hearth out of group, pick up the herbalism profession, and get that node… :slight_smile:

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Your memory is vastly different from the reality at the time.

Meanwhile, those poor survival hunters…

I mean to be fair I probably would have kicked you under those circumstances too.


We had wiped twice in a dungeon and I said, politely, “Maybe we need to revisit our strategy?”


Then the vote-kick message came up. Reason to kick: Spinster is too smart. And just like that I was out.

I mean, I couldn’t even be mad. It was just funny.

Listen the tank wouldn’t have died if he hadn’t gained aggro and taken damage ok. I tried telling him that but he wouldn’t listen.

Kicked in WoD for being a Gladiator warrior. Reason: Dont need two tanks.
I qued as a DPS…

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Nope, you’re wrong. I made a plethora of funny posts about how bad warlocks are and all got 500+ upvotes and generally made it to the front page because it was such common knowledge.

I did manage to get into a mythic group once, though. The stipulation was they wouldn’t kick me as long as I gave all my gear to the holy priest in the group.

Is this real life?

Or is this just “class fantasy?”

Caught in a melee landslide

No escape no mobility

Open your eyes devs look to the forums and see

I’m just a poor lock, I need much sympathy

Because groups are hard to come, easy go

damage sucks very low

Anytime my trinkets proc, doesn’t really matter, to recount, to recount

Bizzard, I just unsubscribed

Went to start a QQ thread

Deleted my lock now he’s dead

Blizzard, the expansion has just begun

But now you’ve gone and thrown it all away

Blizzard oooOOOooo

Did you mean to make me cry

If I’m not back again this time next expansion

Carry on, carry on, locks don’t really matter

Too late, my play time is gone

Sends shivers down my spine

Wasted my first 110 grind

Goodbye everybody, I’ve got to go

Gotta leave you all behind and face real life

Blizzard oooOOOOoooo

I don’t want leave

I sometime wish I’d never logged on at all

I see a little silhouetto of a man

Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the jukedango

Shadowbolt and kiting very very frightening me

Gallileo, Gallileo,

Gallileo, Gallileo,

Gallileo Figaro - magnifico

But I’m just a poor class and nobody loves me

He’s just a poor class from a poor design team

Spare him from playing this monstrosity

Easy fix easy buffs will you you fix the class

Bismillah! No we will not fix the class - fix the class

Bismillah! No we will not fix the class - fix the class

Bismillah! No we will not fix your class - fix the class

We will not fix - fix the class

Never fix the class - fix the class

Never fix the classss

No, no, no, no, no, no, no

Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia fix the class

Beelzebub has a devil put aside for 'locks

for 'locks

for 'locks

So you think you can nerf me and condesend me in public Q&A eye

So you think you can 3 shard buff me then leave me to die

Oh Blizzard, can’t do this to us blizzard

Just gotta get out just gotta get right outta here

Oooh yeah, oooh yeah

Nothing really matters

All classes can see

Nothing really maters, nothing really matters to warlocks

Anyway my trinkets proc…

Not only were all 3 specs behind all other DPS classes AND hybrids, but in PvP they couldn’t do jack because they’d just get locked down by melee. Blizzard said “We don’t want to give warlocks any mobility because they’re supposed to be tanky” so we’d essentially just get locked down by melee characters and be unable to do anything.


You also say you were totally unprepared to heal for the dungeon group, and then you made the crack about being Ion’s kid even if it was a joke.

Saying “dope”. They thought I was name calling.

Casting dps spells as a healer. I was a disc priest.

My ret pal was asked to try and heal Stormwall Blockade. Told them i have no experience or gear for holy. But we were desperate so they told me to try. Kicked after first pull for “bad heals”.

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It were in…I’d say Wotlk, or Cata, where you had to dodge the boss’ damage waves and DoT spots as well. Those four guildies from another server basically told me to down the boss myself at like, 20-30%, where everyone popped their CDs and exact me to solo the boss.

BTW, I were a mage.

I was kicked once at the end of a mythic plus halls of valor after wiping to odyn. They said they wanted to get a better tank.

That has to be the “dumbest” reason ever.


Reminds me of a run a LOOOOOONG time ago.

group wipes

Healer: Ok, what happened there?
Newblet tank: Ran out of health, sorry.

Healer explains that is was a group failure, not them, and group figures out what we needed to do to not have it happen again…

Party runs all afternoon chaining heroics


I don’t think its unreasonable for the entire group to give me a good 20-30 minutes to get acclimated to healing and comfortable with my keybinds and mouseover macros. Like, that’s not asking a lot. The best way to learn is thru trial and error.

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I’m just going to assume you’re trolling us at this point and if you were then a full hour is funnier. :slight_smile:


can u stop male draenei paladining at me bro

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I know those feels.

Even though glad warriors are dps by default, had to use the dps legendary ring (RIP bonus armor stat) and were counted as dps for the proving grounds, and you couldn’t swap stances in combat.


Some people are just born stupid I guess.

“Lets kick the tank, even though we can’t replace him as the key is in progress”