It’s interesting when you look at skills right now, they state that they scale off attack power currently. If it’s scaling off attack power, where is weapon damage stated in that number? Attack Power is based of primary stats, plus mastery, and plus versatility.
Shadowlands, didnt know that mattered though. Do you have something from shadowlands showing it has changed? Would love to read it and why my damage goes down when my agility doesnt change… its almost like weapon dps is calculated into ability damage.
Read it.
It’s interesting when you look at skills right now, they state that they scale off attack power currently. If it’s scaling off attack power, where is weapon damage stated in that number? Attack Power is based of primary stats, plus mastery, and plus versatility. It’s interesting how at no point in any article, does it state weapon damage is calculated into attack power.
It says it right in that article.
(primary stat + weapon DPS x 6) x AP coefficient x damage multiplier
offhand weapons are cut in half.
So tell me, how is my damage going down on my monk when I change weapons of the same ilvl and my agility isnt changing?
Sighs I guess you really don’t understand the difference of DW vs 2hand. Please keep arguing for arguments sake. Someone with more patience to explain things to you needs to take over. I’ve been done with this troll for quite a while and have just been letting this go on just to watch them continue to troll.
Just an fyi, equip 2 sets of items of the same item level, DW and 2 hand… Whack a target dummy for 30 seconds and compare the dps numbers as a monk. You’ll see that they tend to be different. Not ability wise but auto attack wise. DW does more dps auto attack. I hope I don’t have to explain why. And like you stated earlier, monks don’t have to worry about random procs so it was easier to balance DW vs 2hand. But due to ability procs, it’s hard to balance DW vs 2hand cause more procs = more damage. Hence, why certain class specs don’t DW. It’s very obvious and it’s sad that you really need someone to sit down and fully write it out when this entire time you’ve been arguing against yourself.
Says the person who was just shown to be wrong by someone you claim to be a troll?
How about this then.
287 agility, 1h weapons equipped, ilvl 58 no mastery or versatility on it and no enchants. Jab does 146 damage
287 agility, 2h weapon, ilvl 50, again no mastery or versatility on it and no enchants. Jab does 135.
If what you are claiming is true, then that damage number shouldnt change what so ever. So what is causing that?
Okay, I will admit, when I said the damage should be the same, I was wrong there. But so are you in your statment. Since you said that off hand damage was halved so that they are balanced. So you are wrong in your statement as well. My entire arguement has been DW does more damage in general than 2hand, which you just proved, so thanks on that. You’re arguement has been stating that 2hand would in general be better outside of certain things. So according to the numbers you just posted, a slight decrease in ability damage would put those numbers more inline? I also find it funny you didn’t post auto attack difference either, or checked numbers over a 30 second period to see if it would even out.
No. That statement isnt wrong. Offhand damage is halved of what your main hand is.
What I actually stated. Again, you are proven wrong and you refuse to accept it and instead try to alter what was said to make yourself look better. Good try troll.
What am I wrong about? You are just saying im wrong just to say it at this point.
What statement where?
Do you wish me to point out more that you are wrong about? Then again, as stated, you’re just trolling. You obviously wont agree when you’re wrong. Which is why I wont go into lengthy details why you’re wrong.
What are you smoking?
Where did I prove that Dw does more damage in general than 2h?
This? Is that what you are talking about? With 2 different ilvl weapons where the weapon dps is vastly different to show that weapon dps does play a role in damage?
Oh, and just to point out another difference in monk and DK actually uses its weapons so you wouldnt calculate the offhand for heart strike or scourge strike since there is no passive allowing for Blood or Unholy to strike with their offhand weapon as well. ToT has been baked into Frost at this point.
Okay, just used two item level 20 one handers and a item level 20 2hander. DW did 187 dps and 2hand did 184 dps. Exact same rotation with no significance one way or the other.
Do not feed the troll she just wants Frost DK to be dw only. And will twist any fact and argument to suit that need. Its a very bad case of I don’t want it you can’t have it syndrome. Best thing to do is to Put the troll on ignore. She even responds to me even though I have her on ignore.
It is imo just remove dw. There are more people that want frost 2h over dw.
Guess you haven’t read what I stated. But that’s okay, join the troll army.
Yes I read what you said and generally agree with you. But just tired of the troll coming out with the same
This has been done for years and like most of the others in this dk forum just tired of it.
Except there is a significant difference for frost through DW mechanics and how the spec is designed.
Blood and Unholy arent designed in that way. Sudden Doom is just off of main hand attacks, they made it that way from cata. Blood would get no real benefit from DW and just like Frost would need significant mechanic changes so would Blood and Unholy.
Also, dont listen to Vedist. He lies 100% of the time and has a stick where the sun doesnt shine and some obsession with me. He has me on ignore so he doesnt know what im saying and just jumps on any opportunity to talk about me. Hes a lowlife. Report his posts as trolling and let Blizzard deal with it.
Heh I suspect you think to highly of blizz to be able to balance DW and 2H for all specs (was touch and go for frost even). If they want to bring DW as a glyph or something purely cosmetic then fine but gameplay wise I don’t see blizz putting the time and effort into making DW and 2h a go for all dk specs.
Heck I am still waiting on the cosmetic class items that where previewed many, many moons ago.
I want to be able to DW as unholy sooooo bad. I used to love it back in the day when we could.
Sorry if this has been mentioned about the runeforge issue, simple solution, add 2h runeforges that have the same effect as 2 runeforges combine, and make them 2h only.
So DW Frost uses Razorice and Fallen Crusade, make a 2h that has both of those effects, and make it 2h only, call it Rune of the Frozen Crusader or something.