As stated above, according to your forst spec logic when Threat of Thassarian wasn’t a thing, just spell spam over weapon skill spam. I mean, you already ruined your own argument with that one statement. I would go more into it, but it’s a waste of time to bother when you already countered your own argument to begin with.
I thought you werent going to waste your time? Which is what this post is. You said Frost wasnt designed for DW, but it absolutely was and I was pointing out why. The spells did a truck load of damage and thats why those spells were moved around and the spec was changed. All of our specs use weapon strikes in it, and quite a bit of them.
Unlike frost prior to 3.2, you could play it without using a single strike. No plague strike, no blood strike, Howling Blast cost 2 runes so it acted like Obliterate so your unholy runes didnt just sit there, you could use pestilence to convert runes though blood strike would actually provide damage, Rime was triggered by Icy Touch, Killing Machine didnt work on Obliterate.
If unholy had all spells, or blood had all spells, you might have something, but they dont and you are just nerfing yourself to nerf yourself. They are 2h specs and always have been outside of an intentional “bug” in cataclysm.
Noooo I didnt. The spec was basically all spells. Blood and Unholy arent all spells.
Go ahead, go into more. You come in here claiming a bunch of stuff that turned out to be a bunch of nonsense.
Since quite a bit of your information so far in this thread has been misstated, I’ll leave the links to the correct info for you…
Wrath of the Lich King Talents -https:// www. warcrafttavern. com/wotlk/tools/talent-calculator/?talent
Cataclysm talents - https:// rpgworld.altervista. org/talentcata/eng/?DK
I’ll let you review the information on your own so that you can figure out your own mistakes. Also, at no point in time was Frost just all spells. Howling Blast and Icy Touch were the only two spells and neither were it’s “Hard” hitting abilities. It’s only more recently that Frost can sort of go away from it’s physical / melee component.
It is clear at this point that you are purely arguing just to argue.
It’s also easy to balance Dual Wield vs 2-hand. It’s the same way they balance Dual Wield vs 2-hand for brewmasters. Base weapon skill damage off of primary stat instead of weapons. That way it doesn’t matter if they decide to Dual Wield or 2 hand. Since 2 hand has better stats, it does more damage, but dual wield gets a 2nd rune forge to counter the difference in damage. The mechanics are already built in the game.
What information has been misstated?
Entirely wrong.
Projecting is all you have done. You said you have been trying to be “constructive” but none of it has been constructive at all.
You do know that Howling Blast damage was increased by 100% when Frost Fever was present prior to 3.2 right? I know its hard to find talent calculators prior to 3.3.5 but that isnt really an excuse.
There is a talent calculator prior to 3.2 where you can see the old howling blast gargoyle build which both were moved to end talents because they were really powerful.
Double damage on howling blast if FF was present, 5% more damage with Glacier Rot, Killing Machine worked on Icy Touch, Howling Blast and Frost Strike and was off of critic auto attacks which was later changed to regular auto attacks and having nerves of cold steel help with that for procs for increased hit chance, Rime Increased critical chance of Icy Touch and Obliterate by 5% and would cause your next Howling Blast to consume no runes. Death Coil would be your runic spender and its damage would be increased by Morbidity, increased spell hit from Virulence.
You didnt have to do a single strike besides Plague Strike if you wanted but it was just for Blood Plague to be on the target.
Its also hilarious that people pull that “find your own mistakes” argument. Its a weak argument used by people that cant point mistakes out.
Nah just too lazy to fill you in on your mistakes. As I stated in my last post, it’s really easy to balance duel wield vs 2 hand. Threat of Thassarian is what they use to make the claim that it’s a frost only thing, so that they don’t have to balance. But they’ve balanced DW vs 2-hand on Druid and monk. It’s really a smiple matter.
There, that’s my constructive peace for the time being. Lets see something constructive from you now.
Then dont start something you cant finish. There is my constructive advice.
Sorry forgot to explain how to balance… Blanace stuff on stats, not weapons themselves.
Again, arguing for argument sake. You are only here to troll and to offer no useful information. If you want to troll, go to FFXIV where it’s nothing but trolls now. I’m not going to waste an hour + of my time explaining why you are wrong because there is no point, you wont agree no matter what. So what’s the point?
No, just telling you to finish what you started. If you are telling people they made mistakes then point them out otherwise dont claim it.
I did, but instead of admitting them, you go, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I meant this, not that.
From you you a bit ago.
I mean go ahead, keep trolling. I have nothing else to do anyways.
No, you didnt. You just claimed you are too lady to tell me
And you said I ruined my own argument. Which I didnt. Seriously why do you guys project so damn much? You even admitted there that you wouldnt go into it.
You keep making excuses. Either put up or shut up.
Again, I already pointed out your flawed logic. It’s not my fault you reject it. Keep trolling or just admit that your logic was flawed from the get go. As stated, you have nothing constructive to add to this post and you are only here to argue against the original posters post.
If you so desire to be a negative nancy, go do it somewhere else. The poster is trying to find a constructive way to bring something back. I’m pretty sure he already knew the things you brought up on why it might be a bad idea. It doesn’t mean that it can’t be done. Or that it shouldn’t be done. When Death Knight came out, all three specs could do both. There is zero reason to say that blood and unholy can’t do both still.
Where exactly is this at? Because all ive seen are excuses as to you not pointing stuff out. All this time you are wasting you could have pointed it out already.
Oh and monks dont have the same mechanics as the DK so its easier to balance and it uses the damage of the weapons to calculate ability damage its just the offhand is calculated at half of what the main hand weapon is to even out the damage between DW and 2h weapons. Its the same thing with frost its just that abilities on the monk arent like the DK where Obliterate hits with both weapons creating 2 hits, jab just hits with one.
This split in the damage is why Icecap is better for DW, why Cold-Blooded Rage will also be better for DW as well. Monk damage isnt split and nothing is based on auto attacks to proc stuff like the Dk is. They arent comparable.
Actually, monk’s damage and druid shapeshift damage isn’t based off weapons at all. It’s purely based off of the primary stats. DW is typically better because it has higher auto attack numbers, which are based off the weapons (for monks.) However, the skills themselves are based off stats. That’s why when you have a 2hander and DW at same item level, the skills do almost exact same damage except the 2hander has slightly higher stats, so it does slightly more.
As stated again, There is no reason to try to explain something to someone who wont accept when they have been pointed out wrong. You’re only goal is to argue to the end. So keep trolling.
Alright, whatever you say. Even though there was a write up on how ability damage was calculated back in BFA which uses weapon dps as well to calculate ability damage. If you want to argue that then go ahead.
What expansion are we on? Didn’t know we were still in BFA.