#DualSpec No not giving up

And if dual spec was 50g for a one time fix noone would be complaining.

Do you think that if entering a same faction BG cost 50g per BG you entered that would have been accepted?

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Ziryus arguments only make sense if you don’t play the game.

Everyone in my guild repeat everyday “our life would be easier if we had dual spec”, even I would like dual spec.

But I also would like to buy Belt of one hundred deaths from badges like all gear, have no rating PvP gear available with badges, being able to boost my characters without one per account limit, buy game time with gold and have cross-realm dungeons, cross-realm zones for level 1-60 and connect the realms like classic.

But trust me, except for the last 3 above, none of the others will make any of us stop playing. People confuse need with something they want bad.

They think because the devs made some changes they will go further and add a feature that didn’t exist in the expansion just because they want so bad.

There is no discussion that same faction battlegrounds were needed. Anyone arguing otherwise ALWAYS suggest people to either suck it up the queue or reroll to alliance, but at same time they can’t farm 100g a week to respec twice for something that they can’t even say why.

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Do you play the game?

Have you seen scores of people respecing all the time? Have you no seen people not doing something because, sorry wrong spec?

Sure there is, you were too lazy to reroll, you got your QoL change. Now you are b eing whiny about others asking for nothing more than what you got, a QoL change.

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I do.
You can check up my name on warcraft logs and stop making dumb questions.

Why instead asking a question, don’t you post the information you want to make a point? Waiting.

Stop making dumb arguments, you only make a fool of yourself.

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It’s 50g per 1 time changing spec, and yet here you are complaining.

Per 50g you get to fix your badly optimized spec for the content you want to do to make it fully optimized. So the good news is you already CAN fix your spec for 50g.


Oh so people only change specs once?

Do you even understand the basics behind why people want dual spec?

Because they’re dumb

Orc go zug zug

Many people can’t do dungeons at all if they don’t have over 2 hours of time to play each time they wanted to do a dungeon. Dual spec would lessen the time it takes to find a group

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No no no, you just don’t understand farming gold is so much more fun than sitting in a queue.

If you take 2 hours to do a tbc dungeon you should be playing retail, it would fit your skill level better.

It’s not about them being dumb, it’s more along the lines of “my gold bro!”

And they use the “but think of the children” argument to try and get it pushed through.

seriously please

As was previously proven many times your reading comprehension is terrible. It often takes 2 hours to find a group for a dungeon just as you claimed it often took two hours to get into a battle ground. When you said, “you couldn’t do BGs at all if you didn’t have over 2 hours of time to play” I understood you meant the wait time was two hours. That’s because I can read and understand written English. You obviously can’t.

They are asking for convenience, not to solve a problem.
The re-spec costs are a no problem in TBC.

At this point in time, they’re just trolling, mostly by people still mad at the fact Blizzard solved the Long queue bgs for horde.

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If you can’t find groups and do a dungeon in less than 2 hours, it’s a you problem. As stated before I’m a dps and have had an easy time getting groups.

You’re a healer… must not be a very good healer if people won’t invite you.

Also, You’re the one who needs to improve their reading comprehension as you can’t even make an argument, just personal attacks because you have no argument to stand on.

probably playing on a dead server. Nothing to do with dual spec.

You’re a known liar here. Everyone who plays the game knows the difficulty in finding groups as dps and doesn’t believe you.

I play many different classes not just this one I’m using as an avatar for the forums. At one point or another I’ve played every class and role in the original trilogy of wow. Are you really so clueless to not realize that almost every one playing the game has alts.

I was on a dead server until the last raiding guild moved off, I still found groups easily because I knew people, talked to them, helped them with what they needed, exc.

I just recently transfered

You fall back to insults because it’s all you have.

I have found tanks and healers easily because I made friends with tanks and healers.

I helped them with what they needed, and in turn they helped me. Reputation matters, and it’s clear you don’t have a good one because you find it hard to get groups as a healer.