#DualSpec No not giving up

You are trying to compare a mandatory 2+ hour wait to even do specific content, to paying 50g to be min maxed for your chosen content which isn’t required to do said content.

Again, comparing a mole hill to a mountain and calling them the same doesn’t make it true.

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It wasn’t mandatory, there was an in game solution to it.

You just don’t like that solution, which makes it a QoL change not a required change just like dual spec.

Don’t play the character you want to play isn’t an in game solution.

Don’t play the spec you want to play isn’t an in game solution.

You are again comparing a mole hill to a mountain.

Spec changes are done to min max.
Character progression cannot be done on a separate character, especially when it’s the opposite faction of the character you are trying to play.

No I’m comparing two QoL changes.

You don’t like that for whatever reason.

Being able to play content is not QoL…

Lack of same faction BG’s did not prevent playing content.


Not only did prevent you from playing PvP (C O N T E N T) but also a lot disadvantage even in Arenas where Alliance was able to benefit from instant queues and fast/huge honor farming.

Don’t be cringe badmouthing same faction battlegrounds, any people with the least IQ understand it was needed to the game.

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No it wasn’t all the people who meta chased simply could have gone back to alliance, most of them likely already had 60’s anyways.

Same faction BG’s were a pure QoL change. They also could have just sucked it up in arena until they got arena gear, BG’s are not required for arena.

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BG are basically the normal dungeon equivalent to getting getting gear to do heroics and raids without being dead weight.

But you’re arguing in bad faith to meet your agenda.

Weird… I guess you just don’t understand how running dungeons works since you only care about pvp apparently.

But then that just goes back to you being a hypocrite, the QoL change for the content you like is fine, the QoL for the content you don’t do is not fine.

I just said dungeons are the stepping stone for raids… can you not read?

BGs are the equivalent of normal dungeons. You do them to get enough gear to be able to do arenas or, the pve equivalent of raids/heroics without being completely dead weight.

It’s also super hypocritical you think it’s okay to run pve content with a sub par spec but for some reason running arena in sub par gear is impossible.

Please list here all the people who chased meta and rerolled horde.
Then we can talk about your headcanon.

You are FORCING people to change faction because you’re too emotionally weak to face your same faction in a battleground. This is all rhetoric at this point from your side, it is not even about actually the fact that one faction was being sidelined because the other wouldn’t queue for battlegrounds.

That is a fact, and if you don’t accept it, then you live outside the reality box.

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Please explain the vast difference in queue times from classic to TBC Classic.

Could it have been the people switched factions for pvp?

You can do dungeons and raids in sub par gear and specs, just as you can do arenas the same way, but you couldn’t do BGs at all if you didn’t have over 2 hours of time to play each time you wanted to do a BG, regardless of gear or spec.

Again you are comparing a mole hill to a mountain and saying they are the same.

About bad as it was in classic?

Alliance WAS the dominant faction, and YET, horde still had longer queues than the alliance. We had almost 1 hour wait on AV back then.

Please. Explain the MATH HERE because it doesn’t add up with your poor elaborated argument.

Would you want like 80% alliance 20% horde so horde would have decent queue times?

Lol. get gud.


Right but there was an in game solution to that queue time.

That you didn’t like doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. What makes you a hypocrite is you are fine with the QoL change you like but not the QoL change you don’t. And make no mistake same faction BG’s are a pure QoL change.

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An in game solution exists for the lack of dual spec that doesn’t require the extreme of rerolling to the other faction or a 2 hour wait, it’s called respecing. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, and it’s not an extremely solution of give up everything you have earned so far, it’s just 50g.

Also, I never said I was happy with the same faction BG change, I understand why it was done. Doesn’t mean I liked it. It just had viable reasons to be done. Unlike dual spec.