#DualSpec No not giving up

You should reply to people based on their own arguments, not insert others into them. I have never said these things or expressed these hyperbolic statements or feelings.

You’re pro TBCC dual spec with a gold cost, and that’s cool. I appreciate your support. Corpseknife and Redheadchild are probably going to blacklist you now.

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You quite literally just posted Patrick Dawson quotes in an attempt to say they mean dual specs are entirely possible.

I asked you for the evidence of this.

You flake out.

This is how arguments work, okay? When I say no to dual specs and then you try to refute that with quotes, your opinions or whatever else what you are saying in opposition to me is yes to dual specs.

Then youll admit you have no reason to think yes dual specs. Ill note this, youll say you never said X or Y then go and say X or Y like 25 more times. I guess if you can just keep going into denial it doesnt matter to you that what you type is a bunch of contradictory nonsense that negates you from any actual logical discourse since you cant keep your story straight for more than 2 posts in a row.

When did you ask me for evidence that something is possible? I apologize if I missed your request but here you go: here is my evidence. Are you ready?

Alliance got seal of blood
Horde got seal of corruption
HvH Battlegrounds
Level 58 boosts
Hunter macros broken
Batching removed
SSC/TK nerfed early

All of these were impossible before TBCC was released, and were made possible.

How many changes need to be made for you to accept what is possible?

Do you know the difference between possibility and probability?

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The level of delusion and mental gymnastics it requires for you to assert that I am “pro dual spec” is a majestic sort of absurdity that is difficult to describe.

You are absolutely pro TBCC dual spec while maintaining the gold cost, you’ve said it in this thread numerous times. You just called it something else.

If we were discussing the implementation of solely spec profiles, it would be stupid if it only applied to two specs.

So even going by your absurd context, I’m not “pro dual spec”.

Do you tell people who are against guns that they are “pro gun but without the people-killing stuff”, too?

Your terminology is just inaccurate and silly to be quite frank, really displays the level of intellect on test here…

No, I am very careful with my words and establish facts first before typing.

You have stated that you’re pro spec profiles, which is 50% of what dual spec is. The other 50% is the gold cost which you believe should stay.

Hence, you are against wrath style dual spec but pro TBCC dual spec while maintaining the gold cost. I know it can be jarring to realize that your opinions have shifted unknowingly, or to accept that you were wrong.

We’re all here and growing together, and I mean this seriously - it’s ok no hard feelings I’m just glad you’ve come around.

Spec profiles have nothing to do with dual spec because they are an independent feature not tied to dual spec specifically.

Just because I wouldn’t mind spec profiles doesn’t mean I’m “50% pro dual spec”, that’s utterly confounding.

The vast majority of the reason I’m against dual spec are other, game design ramifications that are occasionally only tangentially related to the gold cost.

This is simply a failure on your part to properly understand the issues we’ve…pretty clearly laid out at this point.

There is no such thing as a “TBC-style” dual spec. It doesn’t exist so you cannot use it as a term.

It would be more accurate to say “a gutted WOTLK dual spec”, if you truly are having trouble with wrapping your head around the nuance, but again, a vast majority of the people who want dual spec want it because of what it will do to their in-game funds.

The gold cost removal of frequently swapping is essentially the inherent, intertwined benefit of dual spec that goes hand and hand.

You are in an extreme minority who seem to be fine with the gold cost, in which case, we don’t even have a disagreement at that point, but you can just go use an add-on if UI is your only issue.

No, this is untrue. This comes as a part of WotLK dual spec, you cannot get one without the other in WotLK.

Wait what? You said that you want your choice of spec to be meaningful. What is the meaning outside of the two factors involved in changing specs, which are gold and profile swapping (or resetting your UI or whatever you want to call it).

There are only 2 things that WotLK dual spec did, you say that one isn’t even an issue, so your entire argument is on keeping the gold sink in. That means you are pro changes to TBCC, in regards to adding in player profiles into the wow UI.

My entire purpose in engaging in these discussions is to keep things on topic and the arguments over the things we disagree on. You shouldn’t need to talk about anything but the gold cost, as it’s the only thing you have an issue with (as you’ve stated repeatedly, whether with the ‘meaningful choice’ discussion or otherwise, which all leads to gold cost to you).

So just be consistent, and state your actual perspective/stance on the subject.

Repeat after me:

“I, Zipzo of the Alliance Megaserver Atiesh, do hereby proclaim that spec profiles, otherwise known as dual spec while maintaining a gold cost for respeccing, would be beneficial to TBCC, and I support that as a change to the original TBC.”

Same can be said for dual spec and talents, it’s a new system that adds onto talents, just like how mythic+ adds onto dungeons.

So does dual spec, it makes people want more gear for separate specs they wouldn’t have otherwise geared for.

Dual spec is tied to character progression as well because ita another thing to unlock and it effects raid progression because if the flexibility it adds to respecing.

Doesn’t have to be, if dual spec can be added with some changes why not mythic+?

It sounds like you just don’t like mythic+, are you by chance a nochanger? Because that’s all the argument you seem to have.

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Can you link me some threads you made asking Blizzard to revert all the changes that make TBCC not TBC? tyvm

Not even a comparison. One is an entirely new game mode for dungeons with new loot and the other let’s you swap your talents.

One could be introduced with a flip of a switch and the other would require months of development and balancing.

Decent point. Although this is already in the game right now as people gear off specs, it would 100% be worse if dual spec was in the game. Still a minor issue since most groups do some kind of MS>OS rolls already.

Please discuss the pros and cons of dual spec and mythic plus being added into tbc if you’re going to use this as your comparison. The pros and cons to dual spec have been addressed several times so we know what they are.

Mythic+ in tbc doesn’t really have any pros I can see (please let me know if you know any) so I’m not sure why you are using that as the comparison for potential changes.

Seems like your insinuating that if you think dual spec is ok to be added then you must be ok with all other retail changes, which is obviously not true.

He’s using the slippery slope argument, which is what he does in literally any thread where anyone suggests any changes to TBCC. Don’t feed the trolls.

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Once again dual spec is a way to do something you can already do in game, mytic+ dungeons are not.

And have a number of actual in game incompatibilities, one real quick 1 that you ignored is that TBC has no concept of gear scaling, which is actually pretty major to how mythic+ awards gear. Or that mythic+ gear can be upgraded and scales all the way up to pretty much max level raid gear. And how does that even look in a system without multi difficult raids? Or do you want LFR/Normal/Heroic/Mythic raids too?

I’m honestly speechless at how you’re choosing to interpret this information. It’s profoundly incorrect on so many levels that it’s difficult to know where to begin in re-orienting you with reality, but then I remembered…I’m not really obligated to do or explain anything to you. You can go on being completely lacking in rationality for the rest of your life and it’s not my problem in the slightest.

I am not “for” anything, in regards to changes to TBCC. There are simply things I’m less inclined to be actively against, vocally.

Dual spec isn’t merely “just” spec profiles and a gold cost removal. Dual spec is all of the consequences of its implementation, in addition to that.

That I would turn a blind eye to spec profiles, but am against dual spec in the way that literally everyone other than you wants it, doesn’t mean I’m 50% “for dual spec”. This is probably the most bad-faith, disingenuous, and quite frankly r-word take on the matter I’ve ever seen constructed.

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So what do you call this argument that you pretty much cling to repeatedly:

“They already added X & Y, so they might as well also add Z”

I know the irony will be lost on you lol.


I was already doing that anyways before the dungeon scene cut out; DS or not.


No one is doing that. People are just using the devs quotes to claim it’s possible.

No, you’re twisting the words of the people posting here for I don’t have a single idea why. Your complete misunderstanding of what people post doesn’t even seem to support your case that dual spec should not be added

You can move on anytime you want. No one is forcing you to post or even to read these threads. Reading or posting on the forum is a voluntary activity that players can choose or not choose to do. What I don’t get is why you’re obsessed with getting other people to move on and stop posting.

Why do you wish for it? Why do you care that other people are posting on this topic? You can move on. When there were several threads complaining about the dungeon limit to 30 per day I never went to those threads to tell people it’s a done deal, let it go and move on. I was perfectly fine with the change to a 30 per day dungeon limit but I didn’t try to convince people to shut up with their complaints. Some of the threads got a couple thousand replies. That didn’t bother me at all. People can post as much as they want and it’s not an issue for me at all.

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The TBC forums are entertaining. Having many long threads about DualSpec is boring and annoying.