#DualSpec No not giving up

Because we have direct dev quote from tbc saying no to multi spec, which is what dual spec is. Tbc to wotlk saw a huge design goal change.

It goes against the game design intent of tbc.


I can tell that you feel strongly about this, but it won’t change anything. It takes forever to get a tank in retail and you can get some of the best gear in the game by doing dungeon runs. It’s just an issue that you’re going to run into when you play MMO’s.

That’s especially exacerbated by the raid logging nature of TBCC and the lack of reward when it comes to dungeons and heroics. There just aren’t enough new players and alts coming up to keep that content really active. Frankly, I don’t care if they add it or not, but you’re going to be disappointed.

Agree, but none says it solves anything. It helps. Problem is not necessarily binary.

For those who only do something in game for something they need this is true. But there are many people who play for fun and getting a drop they need is not high on their list of priorities. Lessening the barrier for those people to have fun will increase the number of tanks and healers. As well as increase the numbers of people Pvping.

The reason is to have fun. I get that you don’t understand that reason but there are many of us who play the game for fun.

We have numerous direct quotes from the original devs saying multiboxing will never change or be stopped in any way. The current devs have proven time and time again that they don’t care what the original devs said and will do what ever they want. That you care so much what the original devs said doesn’t mean a damn thing to what the devs do now.

How often are you running Dead Mines for fun? Let’s not kid ourselves here. The chance at reward is the fun.

are you stupid or something? None runs deadmine at max level. That doesn’t require respec to run

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You’re getting emotional. People don’t tank because it’s thankless and because it isn’t fun. Free respecs don’t change that.

That’s quite an exaggeration. Why do people always go to these ridiculous extremes. It’s a really stupid debate tactic. Of course I’m not healing rfc or Wc any more on my level 70 priest. But I’m still running all the normal outland dungeons when there’s not a drop from them I can use. I run one or two on normal every night I’m on, just for fun. I just need about 15 more badges from Heroics but I’ll continue to run them even after that.

We all say that, but once the incentive is gone, that’s it. Some people shoot for parses as a substitute for gear, but sooner or later there’s no reason to do this stuff. TBC is a raid logging expansion for a reason.

No, but they certainly do more to allow for the possibility that someone might just tank once in awhile. For whatever reason, maybe they like to suffer, maybe they feel like doing the daily, maybe some people actually like to tank even if you don’t.

I doubt that all people say it. But I’ve been doing it. I don’t need anything from any normal dungeons. I got all my heroic keys months ago but I still heal normal dungeons almost every night I’m on. It seems you’re totally gear focused and don’t do anything in the game if there’s not a chance at a gear upgrade and you just can’t understand that there are many people who play the game for fun.

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Do you think the guy that runs 100 slavepens for the quag’s eye is going to que up the day after he gets it? It’s just human nature. The game is set up with that mindset in mind. If the game worked how you think it did, there wouldn’t be issues with putting groups together for “dead” content.

I’m glad that you’re willing to spend the time without any thought of reward, but most people aren’t like that.


Probably not, but he might queue up a week later if he doesn’t have to pay a respec fee.

Again with the incredibly dumb azz extremes. If I’ve run Slabs 7 or 8 times in the last few days to help people get the heroic key that I already have I’ll take a break from it for a while. I’m actually in game right now and there are people looking for a healer for N SLabs. I don’t feel like it today. Doesn’t mean I won’t do Normal Arc even though I get nothing I need from it. Sure there are people who only do anything in the game if it gives them something they need. That’s clearly how you play the game. But many of us also do things just because we find it fun.

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I’m not lowering myself to making insults, so I’d appreciate the same. It’s kind of hard to say that you’re the better person when you do that.

Helping people that you know isn’t the same thing. I’m down to help any guild member do anything, but sooner or later, everyone is set. When people say that is a raid logging expansion, this is what they’re talking about. The game is fun. We wouldn’t pay to play it if it wasn’t, but being fun isn’t enough in a game where you’re expected to do the same thing over and over and over and over again. That’s why the gear exists in the first place. Super Mario is fun, but it loses its appeal after it’s been solved.


You can’t speak for everyone and you clearly don’t know how everyone plays the game or what is fun for them.

That’s the exact problem with TBC. There’s only so much that you can do. Before long, you’ll have hundreds of badges and dozens of nethers and it’s just a waiting game until the next phase. Unlike when the game was current, most people are raiding…at least a little. That makes the dungeons very underwhelming by comparison.

It’s a very simple point Just because it was introduced in wrath doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be good now.

You can make the same argument with same faction battleground Those didn’t get introduced till what mop, Which is a much bigger change Then dull speck would be And that’s before we talk about the profession changes.

The question shouldn’t be whether or when it was implemented the question should always be is this good for the game and does the good out way the bad.

It won’t.

Same faction battleground was added because half of the player base couldn’t play because the other faction wouldn’t queue for BG.

You can always re-spec to use another talent tree. You can’t simply change faction, therefore, same faction BG added.

The question is: do we need dual spec or not.

I say no, we don’t need.
We need to focus on what we need: realm consolidation to reconnect the player base.

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