We can definitely have conversations about the meanings of words.
Is that there are no good arguments for dual spec in TBCC. Obviously.
We can definitely have conversations about the meanings of words.
Is that there are no good arguments for dual spec in TBCC. Obviously.
Dual Spec should have been in the game from the start when it was released. It however wasnt… Anyone that wants to heal in a raid, but rather NOT be in healing or tank spec for doing other things is exactly why it should have been in the game. This is not even counting the players that want to PvP.
What should be in the game is the ability to FREELY and with no cost respect at any time or point without any cost to the player as long as they are NOT in combat or after a BG or arena match has started.
There are a lot of features that should have been in the game from the start, but they wasnt and honestly I dont see Blizzard investing any time (aka MONEY) into making TBCC better thanks to the #nochanges crowd thinking they wanted the OG experience from the start… GG you got it, live with it…
If you have eyes, I suggest leaving him be, nod, and go about your day.
lol another one of these threads
Clearly we can’t if you think arguments from irrelevant reason and nirvana fallacy have any worth whatsoever in a debate.
Of course we cannot. You have demonstrated that you are uninterested in reasonable conversation.
I understand you want dual spec. I wish you the best of luck.
wait for wotlk
You clearly stated you’re not here to argue and only to “point out that there are arguments against it” and I told you 2 of those 3 arguments are fallacies, even going as far as providing you with an explanation why and the name of said fallacies. I’m not the one uninterested in reasonable conversation here, you are the one who doesn’t want to argue, going as far as just giving me a “…”.
All you’ve done is push fallacious arguments against dual spec and refused to explain why they wouldn’t be fallacious.
As if you’re an authority.
Further, you’ve also given some examples…
this is pure cope if ive seen one
my tank is raid geared and so is my healer
dualspec or not there is literally NO NEED to get into 5 mans and deal with pugs with green gear unless they pay the Tank/healer Fee
I genuinely don’t know what to respond to this ridiculous post of yours.
Dual spec isn’t going to lead more tanks. Tank shortages still exist in retail. The problem is that there’s no reason to do normals or heroics right now. The badges are going to be worthless until the new vendor items drop and even then, most people probably already have all the badges that they need.
If there was no reasons to do normals or heroics, then there wouldn’t be a tank shortage problem because no one would be doing dungeons to begin with.
People have alts, some people joined late, people need primal nether, etc.
There are still reasons to do dungeons and without dual spec, less people are able to fulfill the role of tank and/or healer.
give up
Go back to Retail.
Better watch out when saying that the classic Andy’s might put you on a stick. You know because they will bag on anyone who wants customization in classic.
So short of an alt or a new player (if those exist), there’s no reason to do them? That’s kind of my point lol. By now, you must have your 200 badges and like 30 nethers.
That’s not really the main point though. If dual spec will fix tank shortages, why do those shortages exist in retail? You’d think by making the dungeons worthwhile, that more tanks would participate.
Another troll spam thread from this cringe lord. please spare us from your bad grammar and worse idea conjunctures.
Guys they extended maintenance by ANOTHER 4 hours so they could add dual spec… NOT!
BAHAHA, blizz doing something…pft.
Wait, lets add back premades to further debilitate casual players experience. Man how out of touch can you be from your community?
Plenty of other reasons why people would want to do them, to each their own reasons.
Again, no one is saying it will fix the problem, stop with this nirvana fallacy of “dual spec won’t fix tank shortages”.
Dual spec will alleviate tank shortage, not fix it, that’s the whole point of the argument. Giving more flexibility to players will mean some players will tank or heal in dungeons instead of solely playing DPS, which will alleviate the problem. You can argue how much of an impact it will have, but you can’t argue that it won’t have any impact at all. The past, whether it is from its original implementation back in original WotLK or a solution implemented on private servers, has shown that it tends to be a positive impact, not a negative one.
Would making dungeons more worthwhile make more tanks participate? Maybe, but that is completely beside the point and, honestly, just a straw man to the dual spec debate.