#DualSpec No not giving up

Well except for when they did and decided to add dual spec.

So Magicblunt how would you feel about the implementation of player profiles, allowing for the swapping of your specs in game (changing your bars, gear etc), while maintaining the gold cost to do so each time?

Would this still maintain the ‘weight’ argument of choosing your spec?

I ask because I don’t care about the gold cost, but I’d like for player spec profiles to exist in game and not require addons.

Again, your class/spec is a unique outlier.

The majority of classs have to pay 100 gold a week to do the same thing you do for free.

They are complaining that the 100 gold fee keeps some from even playing pvp all together and actually discourages players from queueing arenas if they have a raid the next day.

Try to put yourself in another class’s shoes for a second and think, would I still pvp and raid if I had to spend over 100 gold a week to respec to perform well?

Because right now your feral pvp/pve spec never has to deal with this issue.

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I played original TBC as a class that did have to respec often, and I remember very vividly what I had to do to maintain that: I did my dailies. I was horrible at making gold outside of that.

Thanks to dailies I never had an issue, and today, money is even easier to make.

If 2006-2007 me could support it on purely daily gold, 2022 players don’t need dual spec.

Yea with bots and g2g 10k gold is just a card swipe away.

If your goal is to defeat bots, IDK what to tell you there.

Dual spec will not save you.

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Who gives a poop about the gold, let’s talk about the actual work blizzard would need to do, spec profiles. Do you support spec profiles or not?

As we’ve come to agreements before in other threads, let’s be intellectually honest and stop saying that you don’t want dual spec.

What you’re saying is you want to keep the gold cost for swapping specs in game. You should keep your arguments 100% to the gold cost discussion, and nothing to do with the experience because you’ve already stated that you’d be fine with spec profiles as long as the cost stays in.

This is just more of you talking to talk, and I don’t see why you spend your time doing it when you could be doing dailies.

There’s different aspects.

I’m only talking about the gold cost as a lateral point to those who’s primary issue with respeccing is the gold cost. I’m trying to say that the gold cost isn’t a big deal to anyone because dailies are easy and, now, numerous.

Would I be OK with spec profiles? Uh…I guess so?

I had to read the original post again on this thread. The OP really made a very weak argument (tons of un-substantiated claims). This thread probably wont convince anyone on the dev team that DualSpec is an important feature they should spend any time on.

Right, so the only thing you want to keep in is the gold cost. So stop saying you’re against dual spec, you’re pro gold for swapping specs.

Dual spec was a combination of two factors, you only want to keep half of them in the game, you’re fine with the other change happening.

See how we can come together here?

No, I’m pro Blizzard-implemented-consequence-for-respeccing which dual spec as being pitched by most people (a literal copy paste of the WOTLK version) circumvents completely.

So yes, I’m against dual spec.

OK let’s establish facts

What is dual spec? What are the changes that occurred in game when it was introduced? Give me everything you know, and we’ll roll from there. Line items, not descriptions.

Let me give you an example and you can take my lead:

Some changes from TBC to TBCC:

  • Batching Removed
  • Alliance Seal of Blood
  • Level Boost
  • HvH BGs

Notice I didn’t go into detail, these are facts. Please list the facts of what dual spec (in wotlk) changes. Just provide a list of facts please.

If you want you can just go up a few posts in my history and read my quotes from devs after dual spec was added showing how they admitted that it did things they were worried about it doing during TBC.

I’ll let Blizzard devs (of the time) speak for themselves.

I’m not saying adding dual spec will make the game explode, but you’re asking for any issues with dual spec because you truly believe there is no downside whatsoever, and that’s false.

Those other things you listed also have downsides (honestly though the Pally seals or batching removal I see no downside, you keep forgetting that Belfs got SoV too).

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Are you actually unable to provide a list yourself of what Dual Spec does?

How can we trust that you are having an intellectually honest discussion if you can’t supply the facts for the discussion?

“I don’t know what dual spec is, but I really don’t think we need any part of it!!!” - Zipzo 2022

It reduces the impact of spec choice.

I wish there were forum macros so that I didn’t have to keep re-typing it.

So you literally don’t know what it does. Fantastic :slight_smile: I look forward to further discussions about facts with you.

You will type paragraph after paragraph about your opinion, but you can’t give me a bullet list that probably contains 2 (maybe 3) lines.

Why would you imply so disingenuously that I can’t understand what dual spec is?

It’s not rocket science. I played the game when dual spec was a thing. Even played on WOTLK private servers. I know how it works.

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Give me a list, or literally all of your opinions about facts are actually worthless, and you’ll be displaying your lack of importance to the entire wow community (which you’ve kind of already done tbh)

If you’re unable to understand that speaking out of your rear end and acting as an authority on a subject for which you have no actual in-game experience or relevance towards demonstrably marks you as a forum troll in its purest essence, then you might actually just need to seek some sort of help.

He doesn’t actually respec. He uses a feral dps hybrid pve/pvp spec.

From my estimates (2 seasons at 17 weeks each with two respecs per week) he has saved atleast 3400 gold if he had picked a different class that had to respec for pve vs pvp. And countless hours setting up his talents and action bars because they don’t change either.

I’m sorry, but you aren’t my boss or my mother and I’m pretty sure you’re in no position to make these evaluations.


Because I’m actually interested in constructive discussion, unlike you, I’ll go ahead and ask, what am I listing you and why?

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